Monday, May 31, 2010

This photo was posted in with title, "Kanji - No Fear".

I have never seen 否怖 used as "no fear". Typically 無畏 is used.
I purchased a Camelbak 100 oz Unbottle from REI yesterday, here is its multilingual instruction card.


However traditional version of Chinese had many of its characters missing, replaced with underscores, while the simplified version is intact.

These two t-shirts are for sale at local Target store.


Both characters printed on this Lucky Lu's Casino t-shirt are upside-down. One character is , meaning "warm", and the other resembles 殿, is "temple". I have no idea what "warm temple" had any association with casino.


I have no idea what the character on the left is. One on the right is 誕, "birth".
from: Jenn
to: ""
date: Sun, May 30, 2010 at 10:50 PM
subject: Misrepresented chinese tattoo

Hi my name is jenn I got this. Tattoo seven years ago it was supposed to say destiny in Chinese, however I've been searching online for this symbol but can't seem to find it, the destiny symbol does come close to what this looks like! In desperate need of translation help. thanx


The common phrase for "destiny" in Chinese would be 命運. Character shown here is Japanese variant of , which could be interpret as "fate". If not read carefully, Chinese readers would think it is , which means "green".

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tree of Life Necklaces in Australian Vogue June 2010

We were excited to have our jewellery paired with clothing by the late and great Alexander McQueen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Behind-the-Scenes at an Indian Circus

Our special projects designer in India went behind the scenes at a circus, and here's what she learned...

People join the circus as kids.

Most circus performers marry other circus performers.
They deliver babies and raise them in the tents.

People join the circus because they receive food and lodging, they can escape their home life, and they don't have to go to school.

If they perform well, they can also earn a relatively good salary of Rs. 5,000 a month.
That's about $130.

The circus hippo is very dangerous. He is transported by truck in a water container, and a pit must be dug and filled with water for him wherever the circus goes.

The hula-hoop girl, wife of the ringmaster, says she doesn’t need to practise her act because she’s been doing it for 17 years.

She has danced at some Bollywood parties for a lot of money, but didn’t like that life.

She says the circus takes care of her needs. It's her family.

photography by Mehera Kleiner

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Winner of the April Photo Competition

Congratulations to our April winner, Astra!

It nearly killed us trying to decide between so many stunning competition entries.

We were touched to see the different ways people work it in our clothes...

So natural and glowing, with beautiful backdrops, creative accessorising and strong personal style.

We're greedy and want to see more, so please enter our next competition!

Here's some of our favourite entries (click 'slideshow' at the top right):

Saturday, May 8, 2010

from: CW
date: Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:08 PM
subject: Tattoo


I saw your blog and was hoping you might could help me. The image attached is that of a tattoo I got years ago without researching it. A friend drew it up for me and the symbols were something she copied from a tattoo magazine she had. I'm now starting to regret it because I have no clue what the symbols actually mean. The picture isn't the greatest but hopefully you can see it clearly enough. Can you help me out please?




I don't recognize the top character, but the bottom one resembles or .

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

women in love

all pictures in this video were edited in PhotoImpact by Spirit Wolf. You Tube wouldn't allow it so I have posted it here. I admit it's a bit over the edge but I still see it as art. I don't quite understand why we consider nudity "dirty" and sex "immoral". I dont' like porn, and I know the difference. I do like sex. It carries a responsibilty, but it's certainly a gift from the Great Spirit. We brainwash our children into thinking it's "filth". And the children react by shutting adults out of their lives. Get it?

Sunday, May 2, 2010 / Kanji

Uploaded in by Ikon720:

Alan and I are curious what is the reasoning behind such large tattoo. Even more, large tattoo with an obvious error in it.

Untitled-1 / Promise To

Upload in by Jennafur with caption:

My gf & I both have this on our left hips. It says "promise to" b/c we made a promise to be in each others lives, no matter what happens. She is a wonderful person & I want her in my life always... regardless of our relationship.

Hip: Promise to... on

However does not mean "promise", but "permit, to allow".