Monday, April 30, 2012

>Cool Butt Tattoos - Heart Shaped Cherry tattoo

Cool Butt Tattoos
Cool Butt Tattoos - Heart Shaped Cherry tattoo
Cool Butt Tattoos - Heart Shaped Cherry tattoo
Cool Butt Tattoos - Heart Shaped Cherry tattoo


Anthropometamorphosis, Man Transformed or, the Artificial Changeling, Historically Presented, a Puritan diatribe published in 1653, railed against disfigurement of the body in pursuit of "ridiculous beauty," "filthy fineness" and "loathsome loveliness." John Bulwer

"In all ages, far back into prehistory, we find human beings have painted and adorned themselves." H.G. Wells

 "There is no perfect beauty that hath not strangeness in the proportion."
Sir Francis Bacon - London, 1639

"I'll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who's got it on his back." - Sarah Hall -- The Electric Michelangelo

‘Dark Knight Rises’ 3rd Trailer Released

The third theatrical trailer for “The Dark Knight Rises” hit the web, ahead of its scheduled appearance in theaters ahead of the other big comic book film of the year, “The Avengers.”

“The Dark Knight Rises” hits theaters July 20. Watch the trailer here:

Carmen Electra Pictures

Carmen Electra Pictures : Tara Leigh Patrick was born on April 20, 1972, Shes professionally and internationally known as Carmen Electra, She is an American glamour model, television personality, actress, dancer, and singer. Carmen Electra became famous for her appearances in the following series and movies like Playboy magazine, on the MTV game show Singled Out, on the TV series Baywatch, and

Justin Bieber Album Covers For ‘Believe’

Justin Bieber has released the cover art for his upcoming album Believe. The black and white album cover shows a suave looking Bieber looking off into the distance. He’s wearing a black studded jacket and rocking his trademark great hair as a banner of the word “Believe” shines across the bottom.Check out the Album Cover!!!

via - Ryanseacrest


 I have a thing for self-portraits & clouds, I guess. I have about 3 or 4 photos just like this.

Reading: In Zanesville: A Novel. I just started this book so I'm only on page 14 (I actually just put my Kindle down to type up this post), but so far so good, if I can even judge it yet. It was a random book that Amazon recommended to me, and I've had good luck with their recommendations before, so I'm hoping this one follows suit. I think it's something about the summertime, but as soon as May rolls around I always find myself reading more than ever.

Watching: Rosemary's Baby. Again. This movie is in my top three movies of ALL TIME and I watch it often. I love everything about it- the story line, the architecture of the old buildings, the clothing (oh, the clothing!), and of course, Mia. And what I wouldn't give for a first edition copy of the actual novel, from 1967. If you haven't seen this film, rent it tonight! I know you'll love it in all of its creepy glory.

Thinking about: lots 'o blog stuff. I read an amazing post recently and it was everything I needed to hear- it's probably the best post about blogging I've ever read.  So seriously, if you have a moment, check it out. It started a whole series of thoughts, especially since I'd already been thinking a lot about how I enjoy it most when I don't care or think about numbers or hits or page views and just write, and that's what I've been doing. I also really loved what Ryan said about negative comments and/or criticism. I used to get so bent out of shape by stuff like that but it doesn't bother me at all anymore. And not even the pretend "it doesn't bother me at all" then go obsess about it for 30 minutes kind of thing I used to do. I've evolved/grown up, whatever you want to call it, and I don't mind the negative stuff at all. If everyone agreed with me or loved me, that would be pretty boring, and I think it was important for me to come to the conclusion that if I put it out there, I am opening myself up to whatever may come, good opinions or bad. I'm happy to just go with the flow and it's awesome to have this sense of peace with it...I am almost 30 after all! Ha.

Loving: hot yoga. I've been going 3-4 times a week for the past few weeks and I am so in love with it. My sister, Mom, and a couple of my girlfriends had been going down in Phoenix for awhile and I'd wanted to try it forever. I attended a class of a friend up here and loved it, then ended up checking out a different studio with another friend of mine and really, really fell in love with it. It's been by far the best thing I've ever done for myself physically, and the benefits extend to my spiritual and emotional self too. I was scared to try it at first- all new things (especially new things in 90+ degree heat) can be a little intimidating, but if your local studio is anything like the one I go to it's absolutely worth giving it a try. And if you do, let me know what you think!

Anticipating: the month of May. There's always so much excitement going on- Mother's Day, Shirley's birthday, my birthday, our anniversary, and Hank's birthday (even though his is June 1st).  Lot of love, lots of celebrations!

Listening to: Gaslight Anthem's new song from their album that will be released this summer. They are one of my favorite bands, and although I liked it I wasn't the hugest fan of their most recent album. From the sound of this song they have returned to their roots, and I am really excited to hear the rest of the tracks. This one is great!

Eating: salad. I'm on the biggest salad kick. I have a favorite homemade dressing I make that I've gotten all of my friends obsessed with too, and it makes every salad that much better.

Feeling thankful for: lots. Hank and his ability to snap me out of any bad mood I find myself in. Henry and his new "scaring everyone" game that leaves us laughing so hard we cry. Mexican food (always). The simple but often overlooked things- our home, enough food, etc. And for being able to spend free time exercising...this one is huge and I'm so grateful Hank and I make it a priority for both of us to get in gym/yoga time throughout the week.

How about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments!

The Tattooed Poets Project: Puma Perl

Our final installment of the fourth annual Tattooed Poets Project is from a repeat contributor, Puma Perl. Puma graced us last year with this contribution.

 Puma wanted to share her newest tattoo with us, and I couldn't possibly turn her down after I saw it:

Puma explains:
"This tattoo was just finished ... on Saturday 2/18/12. It is a companion piece to the mermaid with the Wonder Wheel on my back, which I sent you last year. I guess the Coney Island Theme will continue as Coney Island is torn down, or 'redeveloped.' Both pieces were done by Emma Griffiths, who now works out of Tattoo Culture."
As I live in south Brooklyn, near Coney Island in Bay Ridge, I can't help but be partial to Coney Island-themed tattoos.

Puma sent us a Coney Island-themed poem, to boot:

He leaves,
the sounds
of a concrete
trailing behind him
and I dream
of bass players
and Coney Island,
broken benches
and Coney Island
and I dream
of warm peaches
and Coney Island
burlesque babes
and Coney Island
I dream
I dream of
Coney Island
and I wake,
hands filled
with pussy,
but I go on
must continue.

~ ~ ~

Puma Perl is a NYC-based writer, performance artist, and curator. Her poetry and fiction have been published in over 100 print and online journals and anthologies. 

She is the author of the award-winning chapbook, Belinda and Her Friends, and a full length collection, knuckle tattoos. 

She lives and writes on the Lower East Side and has facilitated writing workshops in community based agencies and at Riker’s Island, a NYC prison. She is a founding member of DDAY Productions, which presents poetry and performance events. Link to her blog for info about book purchases and events:

Thanks to Puma Perl for her contribution and for rounding out this year's Tattooed Poets Project!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Usher ‘Lemme See’ (Featuring Rick Ross)

Check out the premiere of Usher‘s latest track “Lemme See” featuring Rick Ross! The track will serve as the second urban single off his new album, Looking for Myself, due out June 12.


New Client Frankie came in to get his first tattoo, A F with a crown on top. Along with the crown he wanted a couple things from his grandparents hometown flags from Spain and Mexico and also a cross at the top of the crown representing his faith and belief in GOD. C2N$

Rihanna ‘Where Have You Been’ Video Premiere!

Check out the video premiere for Rihanna‘s latest song “Where Have You Been“! The track was produced by Calvin Harris, Dr. Luke, and Cirkut and serves as the fourth official single off her sixth studio album, Talk That Talk, out now. The video features choreography by Hi-Hat and was directed by David Meyers.

Ear Tattoos

Flower Tattoo Behind Ear

tattoos are the most controversial designs ever because popular singer
celebrities like Rihanna and Miley Cyrus do have these designs tattooed over
their ears. Lists of ear tattoos are also populated with other celebrities
having this cute art inked in and under their ear. In the last few year this
trends spreads very rapidly, because girls instead of wearing

>Amrita Arora Tattoo - Bollywood Tattoo

Amrita Arora Tattoo - Bollywood Tattoo
Amrita Arora Tattoo - Bollywood Tattoo
Bollywood Actress Amrita Arora Back Tattoo
Celebrity Tattoo Design. Bollywood Actress Amrita Arora Tattoo.


We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible.? Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841-1935)

"I don't know why I like tattoos so much. I know it's crazy. I can't defend them. I've had some of my tattoos for twenty years. I love getting them. " Cher

 "For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin." Cher

The perfect tattoo... the one I believe we are all struggling toward... is the one that turned the jackass into a zebra. Cliff Raven

The Tattooed Poets Project: Shana Wolstein

Our penultimate tattooed poet is Shana Wolstein, who sent us this photo:

Shana explains:
The word 'always,' was the first tattoo I got. It's on my left-wrist, facing me. The song 'Always,' by Irving Berlin, was what my mother used to sing to us when we were sad as children. My sister got a similar tattoo and when my dad asked what my mother would have said, we both had to sheepishly grin because the answer was always 'Wait until I'm dead.'
I got it while I was studying abroad in China and visiting Hong Kong, a few months after she passed away. I wrote [the following] poem after visiting Tai Shan or Mount Tai, one of the 'Five Sacred Mountains' in China. According to Wikipedia 'it is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal.' "

My Journey of Over 6,000 Steps

The best way to cure a cold
is to climb up the tallest mountain
you can find. Spot as many lucky
birds, rest on every turn, and when
a man offers to carry you—refuse.

When you think you can't go any further,
you will. Like the bird pacing
the ground and shuffling dirt
with his beak, you need patience.

When you close a lock, throw the key
down the mountainside, it can only make
the bond stronger. Forget about food,
or what you thought it was, question

the safety of bottled water, watch old
women climb faster than you, watch
the clouds erase your time, the sun
write it on the walls, the dry stones bleach.

 ~ ~ ~

Shana Wolstein has her MFA from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, where she was the 2011 recipient of the Herb Scott Award for Excellence in Poetry. She has been published by Third Coast Magazine, Anomalous Press, Hinchas de Poesia, OVS Magazine, and more. Still in Kalamazoo, she works as Coordinator for the Prague Summer Program and Managing Editor of the academic journal Reading Horizons.

Thanks to Shana for sharing her poem and tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission. 

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Tattooed Poets Project : Joolz Denby

Our second tattooed poet today, Joolz Denby, hails from Great Britain. Not only is she a tattooed poet, she is a tattoo artist, as well, tattooing out of her shop, Studio Bijoux, in Bradford, UK.

Joolz sent us this photo of one of her tattoos:

Joolz explains:
"This tattoo is from the Dylan Thomas poem Do Not Go Gentle and it is a facsimile of my handwriting. It was done by one of my tattoo masters, Adam Dutton at Lifetime Tattoo in Derby UK where I did my apprenticeship. I had it done in memory of my father, Captain Ron Mumford of the Highland Light Infantry and the Territorial SAS. I loved and still love him very much indeed. He was a soldier, a scholar and a gentleman." 
Here's Joolz performing a poem:

You can also read and hear more of her work on her website here.

We're honored to have Joolz contributing to the Tattooed Poets Project. As one can tell from her wikipedia entry, she's an accomplished figure in England both in poetry and tattoos.

Thanks to Joolz for participating!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Garden Decoration Ideas

So finally you have planned to set up your garden and enhance its features to enjoy the beauty of nature at its full while sitting at our very home. Here are some tips that may be useful to you this this regard.

Choosing right plants

Choosing the right plants that suit your overall garden
environment is very vital to create a strong impact. Bright colors like yellow,
orange, pink have a

Miley Cyrus Sunglasses Evolution (PhotoGallery)

Miley Cyrus always paired her look with classic sunglasses with some unique brands, that makes miley looks so much gorgeous. below are some of the Photos of Miley Cyrus wearing sunglasses including Round, Rectangular, wayfarer brands from Rayban!

Miley Cyrus Sunglasses Evolution (PhotoGallery)

Miley Cyrus Oversized Shades Miley Cyrus Aviator Sunglasses
Miley Cyrus Aviator Sunglasses

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Amanda Michelle Seyfried (born December 3, 1985) is an American actress and singer-songwriter. Check out gorgeous celebrities wallpapers!

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Amanda Seyfried Latest HD Wallpapers

Adriana Lima Latest HD Wallpapers

Adriana Francesca Lima was born on June 12, 1981. She is a Brazilian model, best known as a Victoria's Secret Angel since 2000. At age 15, Lima finished first in Ford's "Supermodel of Brazil" competition, and took second place the following year in the Ford "Supermodel of the World" competition. Lima never thought about being a model, although she had won many beauty pageants in elementary

Tips For Indoor Gardening

your garden is always a fun task to do while indoor plantation is an equally
exciting job to do. They serve as a pretty nice and cheap decorating tool also.
Especially if there are extreme conditions of weather outside then it is a good
idea to shift your garden inside and give an entirely new look to your home.
Don’t just think about small plants that grow in pots on your kitchen

Ideas For Slumber Parties

an entertaining slumber party, you need to start on planning for the party days
before it goes live. If you don’t plan it before, there is a lot of
difficulties which will probably ascends at you sleepover party. Sometime there
might be harsh results of those mistakes because it is difficult for teenagers
to handle those complications.  To enjoy
the sleepover party to its fullest, you


What's up welcome back to Mrs. Toon$ Soul Sunday's!  

Todays artist is 21st Century "Remember the Rain" & "Child".  Marvin Smith was the writer and producer of "Remember The Rain" and "Child".  These records are over 30 years old. 24 track analog was the standard then. Those songs were recorded at the Sound Factory West and Wally Heider in Hollywood. Wah-Wah Watson, James Gadson, Henry Davis, George Bohannon, Jack Ashford, Eddie "Bongo" Brown and Sonny Burke were among the many musicians who played on those records back then. Mark Davis, also produced some of those tracks. In retrospect, I still think they were "Ahead Of Our Time" album (1975) had better songs on it then the subsequent album on Motown "Break Thru." The former was a labor of love...the latter about satisfying a contract. After raising a family, finishing his legal studies and just enjoying life Marvin Smith created an online record company, Dangerous Minds Entertainment Group - Worldwide ( ) they are developing several new acts, and surprisingly a few recently booted from major labels have expressed interest.  They are also working on a 21st reunion Album.  I'm including footage of this Seasons American Idols auditions of a young gentleman by the name of David Leather Jr.  When he chose "Remember the Rain" as his song I was so excited to see that the younger generation is continuing to keep this music alive.  He sings this song to the "T" it gives me chills.  Not sure if he is still a contestant but hopefully he is and continues to choose soul music in his acts. 
Thanks for "Tooning In"  
Mrs. Julie Toon$
Skid Row Soul
 Soul Sundays

The Tattooed Poets Project: Ali Jacs

On this, the penultimate day of our fourth annual Tattooed Poets Project, we will be featuring a pair of tattooed spoken word artists.

First up is Ali Jacs, who shared her tattoo in its sketch stage

and in its final state:

Ali explains:
"I got the ... tattoo in January 2010 after a bit of a dark yet very enlightening stage in my life ... The tattoo artist Elton Buchanan is trained in the Maori style of the Te Arawa tribe in New Zealand. There is fair bit of symbolism in this - frangipani flower petals symbolize personal awakening, of which I did a fair amount in 2009! There are fish scales which symbolize the 'taniwha', or mythical Maori protector who dwells in the ocean, there is weaving to symbolize strength in family and friends and there are two Manaia - guardian spirits of the earth, sea and sky. Blending in some contemporary culture, there is a treble and bass clef to highlight my connection with music. 
Which ties in quite well with my poem, which I've provided [below] ... most of my poetry these days is focused on performance poetry and this particular piece focuses on the music that we hear in every day occurrences and the sounds that bring this world alive." 
Here is the poem that Ali has shared:


Ali Jacs is a performance poet from Wellington, New Zealand. After getting involved in the spoken word community in the Canadian prairies, Ali returned home to New Zealand in 2010. She won 2nd place in the 2011 Going West Writer’s Festival Poetry Slam in Auckland and in October 2011, won 2nd place in New Zealand’s inaugural National Poetry Slam. Having travelled extensively across Canada and Europe, Ali’s poetry is inspired by people, landscapes and cultures encountered on the road, exploring themes of politics, sexuality, social and environmental justice and the madness of these crazy times. Ali runs the monthly performance poetry series Poetry in Motion in Wellington, New Zealand and has recently finished her first chapbook Romantic Pragmatism. You can also check her out on her new website  

Thanks very much to Ali Jacs for her contribution to the Tattooed Poets Project!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The tattoo is reprinted with the poet's permission. 

If you are reading this on another website other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

>Asian Phoenix Tattoo

Asian Phoenix Tattoo
Asian Phoenix Tattoo
Asian Phoenix Tattoo
Full Color Large Phoenix Tattoo Design


The only difference between a tattooed person and a person who isn't tattooed is that a tattooed person doesn't care if you're tattooed or not.
(Sign often seen in tattoo shops)

Beauty is skin deep. A tattoo goes all the way to the bone.
Vince Hemingson

 There's something really the matter with most people who wear tattoos, he says. I know from experience there's something terribly flawed about people who are tattooed above the little something Johnny had done in the Navy, even though that's also a bad sign. (Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood, interviewed more than one hundred killers over a period of ten years and says eighty percent of them have one thing in common: Tattoos)

The Greek philosopher Bion of Borysthenes (circa 300 B.C.) described the brutally tattooed face of his father, a former slave, as "a narrative of his master's harshness."

Dear Frontiers Journals - I am sick of your SPAM and I want nothing to do with you

Dear Frontiers Journals

Repeated unsolicited emails with no means to unsubscribe oneself (such as the one excerpted below) are SPAM. I like some aspects of the Frontiers journals but your email system has to be changed. I will not submit to or review for your journals until you make some commitment to stopping SPAMMING scientists.
Dear Dr Eisen, The article submission deadline for the Frontiers Research Topic, for which you received a call for participation, is approaching. If you are planning to submit a manuscript and you anticipate any delay beyond the deadline, please inform the Topic Editors and the Frontiers Editorial Office so they can manage the delay. If you have not yet responded to the call for participation or have not yet committed to a submission and you are planning to submit a manuscript, please let us know by responding to this message.
PS - the article alerts also have to stop. For F#*$@( sake clean up your act.

The Tattooed Poets Project: Danielle Shutt

Our next tattooed poet is Danielle Shutt., who sent us two photos.

First is a shot from right after she got inked in June 2007:

And then, a close-up of the tattoo:

Danielle explains:
"My wrist tattoo came out of my own mindless notebook scribblings. It's two intertwined S's, representing my younger siblings' first names. We've been through a lot together. I got the tattoo when I was 23 and living in Richmond, VA. There was a particularly strong surge of family-related peril and tumult back then, and I found myself wanting something that would keep my brother and sister close to me--something less morbid than the black cloth bracelet I'd been wearing. I knew the drawing was exactly 'right,' but it took me a while to commit anyway. I'm the kind of person who needs to be bitten by impulse before I get my body involved in anything. (This includes dancing and doctor appointments.)

In this case, a grande margarita and my friend Kristen did the trick. Kristen accompanied me to River City Tattoo, where a nice guy named Reverend Bob tattooed the symbol on my wrist in less than three minutes. I was happy with it. I always will be.

I get asked all the time about what the tattoo means, which is cool because I love talking about my sibs. I still think of the tattoo as a comfort, but more often these days it reminds me of my brother and sister's hard-fought survival, which in turn reminds me to stay strong, too."
Danielle shares this poem, as well, which originally appeared in thINK, a letterpress book published by Bowe Street Press at Virginia Commonwealth University:

Sometimes I Have to Go Around Will’s Curb

Barbed wire reached to scratch a warning at his window;
or, the slaughter-cows flicked their tails like traffic guards,
and in dusk a roadside tree flashed him old scars
        to beg off new bruises.

But really, there's nothing looking dead there. No car parts
or patches of uprooted grass, none of his teeth half-ground
into the pavement. The wooden stretch of new fence
        isn't as stark as I'd expected.

I guess he kept all the mess of it with him, smashed under
his face, caulked behind his eyelids; or, it's in the red dirt
and bone dust sent up by the tractor hitched to his lungs,
        pulling slow on these back roads.

~ ~ ~

Danielle Shutt completed her MFA in Creative Writing at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, WA, where she taught writing courses and served as a poetry editor for Willow Springs. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Hayden's Ferry Review, Redactions: Poetry & Poetics, PANK, Copper Nickel, DIAGRAM, and Hotel Amerika.

Thanks to Danielle for sharing her tattoo and poem with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission. 

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

Fun Ideas for Summer Holidays

It is a challenging
thing to stay cool and calm for children who are waiting for the summer holidays,
the summer holidays are all about having fun, hangouts, picnics, traveling and
lot much more fun.  It is very important
to pick up some ideas and plan fun things which bring extreme fun holidays for
you. In this article I am going to tell you fun ideas for your summer holidays.
It is


>Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg

Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg
Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg
Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg


Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.
~Jack London

Women, don't get a tattoo. That butterfly looks great on your breast when you're twenty or thirty, but when you get to seventy, it stretches into a condor.
~Billy Elmer

Tattoos aren't meant for everybody and they're too goddamn good for some people.
~Lyle Tuttle, tattoo artist, author, and lecturer.

I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I'm wearing a dagger!
~Angelina Jolie

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Tattooed Poets Project: Francesco Grisanzio

Every year I meet at least one of the poets featured on the Tattooed Poets Project. Francesco Grisanzio lives in New York and I got the chance to personally photograph his tattoos, which he offered up for us here on Tattoosday:

Francesco explained:

"My tattoos are of the characters from a comic strip I draw, or at least used to draw.

It's been a few years since I made a new strip. The comics haven't been published, but I did receive a great rejection letter from the paper at UMass Amherst when I was a student there.
They said something along the lines of 'We love the art, but you know that this content is unpublishable. Clean it up and we'll talk.'
The tattoos were done in Woonsocket, RI at American Art Tattoo."
Francesco offered up this poem:

Teenage Heaven
After Eddie Cochran
The Coupe, phone, big city—
freedom, Eddie, is what it boils down to.
Sharp crew cut cardigan,
our dearest son,
patriot, toe tap child rebel against homework,
enjoy the benefits of citizenship.
You’ve earned it.
Here’s three dollars.
Have a swell weekend.
We trust you not to make a mess.

But it’s not just youthful ignorance
or innocence where you choose to do what’s right on your own.
We’ve been to the drive in show,
seen peacock letterman, gorilla arm not content on headrest.
How dare you chuckle.  She’s just a child.
My God, Eddie, there’s nothing “little snack” about six hotdogs.
That’s beyond ingestion.  Where will they all go?
What are your intentions with our daughter?
We know she’s beautiful, but show restraint.
Little lady, you’re young.  This is heaven.
You can run.  This is America.
Please.  He’s an animal.  A beast.
And, Eddie, we’re very disappointed in you.

~ ~ ~

Francesco Grisanzio is currently working on his MFA in poetry at The New School. He earned his BA in English from UMass Amherst. His work has appeared or will be appearing in Word Riot, Fawlt, Why I Am Not a Painter, Strange Machine, and Interrobang!? Magazine.

Thanks to Francesco for his contribution to the Tattooed Poets Project on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission. 

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

The Tattooed Poets Project: Julie Kantor

As we wind up the Tattooed Poets Project on this, the home stretch of April, we are double-posting to accommodate the record number of submissions we received this year.

Our second tattooed poet of the day is Julie Kantor.

Julie sent us these photos:

Julie explains:
"It was a very early morning in Portland, OR. I picked up my best friend, Jess, to get breakfast. On the way to the cafe, we saw two guys, each had a shopping cart packed to the brim. They were laughing with each other, smiling these huge smiles. Jess turned to me and said, 'If we were bums, we would still be best friends. Bum friends.' I suggested, strongly, that we get matching shopping cart tattoos. After breakfast we found this small tattoo shop with no name off Glisan that just opened. Inside, we made a deal with the shop's very green apprentice to do both tattoos for $40. The 'bf' in the tattoos stands for bum friends." 

Here is one of Julie's poems:

From the series: Land 

Waters flush north under concrete & steel, rods down
planted, now dry cracks through road we drive over, see
red lines run lengthen out from sky blue & darkening,
say “let's trace this back to where the sun doesn't even
want us w/it,” beam bridge can't take us across all the way
w/out drop before we stand safely or span the land’s
end to its own mirrored opposite. Those could be our feet
on the ground, but we ride this straight across the dividing
line where trains’ tracks alongside plains lead away from
& hear the river call us down, would one body’s dead
weight be enough to pull us into, first think we tie our-
selves w/knots we won't learn the names of, but tangle is
thick w/width, & water's feel enough for loss of, & if we can’t
sustain w/just us then we shouldn’t have to begin with.

~ ~ ~

Julie Kantor just completed her first manuscript, the currently unpublished, The Beautiful West. She is a M.F.A. candidate in poetry at Columbia University where she teaches in the Undergraduate Writing Program. She is also a musician and plays in the new band, Cycles. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Thanks to Julie for sharing her poem and tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission. 

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.


Honored to be part of this group show, This show is for Kids and the galleries proceeds will go the Sesame Street's official charity City of Hope

With artists from the likes of plus many more: Ewok Munk One Nate Van Dyke OG Abel Patric Martinez Revok Rime Risk Sever Slick Stash Franco and many other huge talents. Check it out sat eve it opens ... My work will be up i will post some photos of it next week. C2N$

How to Get Rid Of Bored Life | Fun Things to Do

Are you bored? In this article I am going to tell you fun things that we can do to get rid of those boredom issues in your life. Boredom is of two types, first type of boredom issue arises when you are free and don’t have anything to do, second one refers to the uninteresting stuff that you are trying to do, but doing that unexciting stuff makes you feel exhausted. There are different ways you

Weekend Links

May Day picnic
I can't believe this was a year ago! Henry was so tiny. 

Another Friday, another set of links, right? And this is going to sound weird, but I'm going to come right out and say it- I am typing this right now and hearing the Gossip Girl voice in my head. Not even kidding. I'm alllllmost caught up and right at the end of the current season and I'm SO INTO it. No spoilers but I'm right after episode 100 and I just watched three episodes in a row...hence hearing this blog read aloud in the GG voice. Call me crazy, I don't mind.

In other non-television news this week has been a good one. Nothing too notable, just very busy and full of hot yoga which makes me immeasurably happy. And luckily this weekend will be full of family and some pool time. I'm looking forward to seeing the lot where my sister and her husband are building their new house too- I'm so excited for them! I'm going to try to remember to take my camera out and about all weekend so hopefully on Sunday I'll have some fun photos to share. So until then.

oh and p.s., I thought I should tell you all, since I mentioned it in my last links post, that the morning after sharing my "ugh, I hate that my mouth is still swollen and I'm in post-wisdom teeth hell" rant, all pain subsided! It was a wisdom tooth (or lack of) miracle. Hallelujah!


If you read one thing on this list, read this article, and then tell me what you think. Here's the first line: "TO Elisabeth Badinter, educated women who become stay-at-home moms have lost their minds." There's so much to say about this, but I'm curious to hear what you all think too. Thanks to Jillian for emailing it to me.

Head over to this post to see if you're the winner of the Homegrown giveaway. If you weren't the winner, you can get 15% off your order using code "sweet 15."

You either like me or you don't. I love this simple quote.

I can't wait to see this.

10 pretty party inspirations.

This dress is so gorgeous, along with the rest of next season's line.

I love this idea of a homemade body scrub as favor gifts- they'd also make great Mother's Day presents.

Sponsor love: pop over and say hi to Meadow Creek.

This is the cutest nursery I've seen, pretty much ever.

And speaking of kiddo rooms, aren't these DIY hot air balloons great?

Peach Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake. Just yes! 

Lauren's 5 Things on a Friday are always good.

Pretty amazing art.

Kelli is over on A Beautiful Mess sharing some style tips. 

How Do You Define Success? Any interesting read over on Vanessa's blog.

I want to live here.

30 things every woman should have and know by the time she turns 30. Hmmm. What do you think?

Boston Terriers are the cutest dogs ever. I may be biased, but just look at this. Too adorable.

Some items I'd love to have in my closet, striped edition: one and two!

And finally, this makes you really stop and think...check out this Dad's time lapse video of his daughter growing up- from birth to age 12. What dedication!

Phylogenetic analysis of metagenomic data - Mendeley group ...

Just a little plug for a Mendeley reference collection I have been helping make on "Phylogenetic and related analyses of metagenomic data." If you want to know more about such studies you can find a growing list of publications at they group collection.

Phylogenetic and related analyses of metagenomic data is a group in Biological Sciences on Mendeley.

The Tattooed Poets Project - Heather Truett

Up next on the Tattooed Poets Project is Heather Truett, who sent us this photo:

along with a shot of the tattooist at work:

These may appear as three seemingly simple Hebrew letters, but there is more to this piece than just a Hebrew word, as Heather elaborates:
“The tattoo was a 27th birthday gift from a girlfriend I have known since I was 6 and she was 3. We went together. She got a Latin phrase in a beautiful script and I chose this. I had been planning a tattoo to somehow commemorate a friend who died and my own battle with depression. The verse in scripture that speaks most to me is Isaiah 61:3, which includes the phrase ‘beauty for ashes.’ The girl I wanted to commemorate, Natalie, also loved the verse. On a whim, I looked the verse up in Hebrew. I always love following a verse back to its origin and trying to understand what the words actually meant to the writer, rather than placing all trust in modern translation. When I realized the Hebrew word used to mean beauty in that verse actually means, ‘a crown of beauty,’ as in, a young girl being crowned queen and given honor and status in society, I knew I had my tattoo.
You see, every year, on the anniversary of the day Natalie died, her friends around the world don tiaras and wear them wherever they go. We paint our toenails purple, as she loved to do, and we drink a Diet Coke in her honor. There are other rituals, but these are the big three. To find the word ‘crown’ hidden there in my verse left me in tears, good tears, the kind of crying you do when someone at last understands exactly who you are and what you mean to them. I printed and double-checked the Hebrew lettering and took it with me to Devine Street Tattoo on a visit to Columbia, SC. It's not fancy, just three letters. But those three letters say so much to me every time I look at them. I placed the word on the inside of my left ankle, so when I look down or cross my legs, I see the tattoo. I don't mind showing it to other people, and I love telling how I chose it and why I got it, but it is, ultimately, for me and me alone, so I wanted it in a place easy for me to see."
By way of a poem, Heather submitted this:

My Brother is the Poem

My brother is the poem that exists,
still busily writing itself
in the hills of my hometown.
He leaves for work, welding
in leather and heat and without
a single complaint, because, hell!
He needs the job.
He strings out verse and stanza,
tripping over the meter
on seventy acres of God's creation.
Don't let them mine you too,
Big Brother.

It's with rhythm and flow that
he pays the bills and loves the wife and
suffers the pain of parenthood that stabs
with its cliche sword, double-edged.
Who knew? Who predicted
snowflakes and razorblades?
My brother, cigarette lit and smoke circling,
is the poetry falling
to earth, right there,
in Eastern Kentucky, while I
only call myself a poet, writing
in the air conditioned suburb, pretending
I got out, when I never did,

not really, anyhow.

Years pass and miles unroll like
so much butcher paper
down the holler, but my body still grows roots
back home, there, in Nat's Creek,
Daniel's Creek, Homer's trailer,
white house with black shutters,
minnow fishing, snake killing,
coal mining with the black lung,
family and the most Primitive of
Baptist churches, where
my soul gets fed, and only then
can the poem
grow branches.

~ ~ ~

 Heather Truett describes herself as “Hill-born, a coal miner's granddaughter, a brilliant spark of brain with a wee bit of crazy thrown in for good measure, a writer, a poet, a wife in the bizarre world of the church, wearer of silver tiaras and painter of purple toenails, I am me. I have published poetry, essays and articles in the past. My credits include: The Mom Egg, The Paintsville Herald, Jackson Free Press, Slugfest Ltd, Abundance Press, The Invitation Tupelo, Busy Parents Online, Mommy Tales, Just For Mom and other publications (more info available on my website, I am currently a homeschooling Mom to a special needs child and the wife of a youth minister in Tupelo, Mississippi. I have taught poetry workshops in schools and for the homeschool co-op we participate in each semester.” You can also check out her website,

Thanks to Heather for her contribution to the Tattooed Poets Project!

This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission. 

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

>Celebrity Tommy Lee Tattoo

Celebrity Tommy Lee TattooCelebrity Tommy Lee Tattoo

WWE Superstar Jeff Hardy Tattoo Design

Celebrity Tattoo Eminem Tattoo

Celebrity Rihanna Tattoos

Tila Nguyen arm Tattoo

Mandy Moore Tattoo - Celebrity Tattoo

Audrina Patridge Tattoo

Kristen Stewart Tattoo

Asia Argento Tattoo

Marco Materazzi Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo


Tattooing is about personalizing the body, making it a true home and fit temple for the spirit that dwells inside it. ----MICHELLE DELIO, Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration

Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate? ~Author Unknown

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around. -"Vanilla Sky"

 Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. ----Unknown, Author

The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos, and those who are afraid of people with tattoos. ~Author Unknown

Your necklace may break, the fau tree may burst, but my tattooing is indestructible. It is an everlasting gem that you will take into your grave. ~Verse from a traditional tattoo artist's song, as quoted on, "Skin Stories: The Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo," 2003

Realistic 3D Black Widow Spider Tattoo
Dog Tattoo With Crown - Loyalty Comes Free
Carpe Diem Ambigram Tattoo Design
Biomechanical Alien Tattoo Design on Hand
Anchor Birds and Waves Tattoo Design on Sidebody
Black ink Tattoo of Angel with Cross
Animated Tasmanian Devil Taz Tattoo on Arms
Jungle Animals back Tattoo Designs
Armband tattoo of Musical Notes and Guitar
Asian Style Koi Fish Tattoo Design on back
Aztec Style Sun Symbol Tattoo Design
Barbed Wire Legband Tattoo Design
Evil Teddy Bear Tattoo
Motorcycle racing Biker Tattoo Design on back
Biomechanical Armsleeves Tattoo Design
Black and Grey Flower Tattoo Design for Girls Sidebody tattoo
Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg
Ladybug Flowers and Leaf Tattoo on Foot
Car Tattoo Design - Hot Wheels
Cute Black Ink Cat Tattoo
Grim Reaper Death Tattoo on Back - The weak shall inherit nothing
 Monster Demon Head Tattoo with Flames
Full Color Dragonfly and Flower Tattoo Design
Tattoo of Dagger Stabbing a Heart
Heart and Crown Tattoo Design on Wrist
Crazy Clown Tattoo Design with Money Tattoo
Chinese Character for Love - Neck Tattoo Design
Four Leaf Clover Tattoo with Celtic Design
Black and Grey Cherub Angel Tattoo on Arms
Bow and Cherry Tattoo on back of Neck
Beautiful Celtic Deer Tattoo Design

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nice use of PacBio sequencing to characterize methyltransferase specificity

Figure 1.

Rich Roberts just pointed me to this cool paper on which he is a co-author: Characterization of DNA methyltransferase specificities using single-molecule, real-time DNA sequencing.  The paper was published in Nucleic Acids Research and is from Robert's group at New England Biolabs and Jonas Korlach's and others at Pacific Biosciences. What is cool is that they used the timing of the real time DNA sequencing to identify bases in particular DNA fragments that were methylated.  And this then allowed them to determine the specificity of particular methyltransferases (first tested on ones with known activity and then on ones with unknown activity).  This highlights one of the unique features of PacBio sequencing - because the method watches DNA replication in real time - if something alters the timing of the replication process - this can possibly be leveraged to detect alterations in DNA chemistry (e.g., methylation, DNA damage, etc).  Folks at PacBio have been promoting the methylation detection capabilities of their system for some time but I guess I did not get that interested in it because I viewed it is analogous to many other tools to quantify methylation.  But with this paper I now realize that the PacBio approach (and perhaps those of other methylation detection systems) are not just about quantifying methylation status on average across a set of DNA pieces, but can also be very specific as to exactly which bases are methylated.  And this in turn can be used to define specificity for a variety of unknown methyltransferases. Clark, T., Murray, I., Morgan, R., Kislyuk, A., Spittle, K., Boitano, M., Fomenkov, A., Roberts, R., & Korlach, J. (2011). Characterization of DNA methyltransferase specificities using single-molecule, real-time DNA sequencing Nucleic Acids Research, 40 (4) DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkr1146

Beyonce World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People Magazine (Highlights & PHOTOS)

Beyonce World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People Magazine. Check out the interview Highlights & PHOTOS Below!

On wanting to stay as glam as possible, right up until labor: “I didn’t feel that I looked beautiful
during birth — but who does? After being pumped with all those fluids
and gaining so much weight, with my swollen lips and cheeks, I barely
recognized myself… I tried my best to

Twisted tree of Life Award #13: Press release from U. Oslo on new protozoan

Wow.  Just got pointed to this press release Rare protozoan from sludge in Norwegian lake does not fit on main branches of tree of life (hat tip to Bill Hooker).  It is a long PR.  And it is riddled with many examples of evolutionary mumbo jumbo - each of which on their own could win a Twisted Tree of Life Award here.  And together, well, I am just going to give it one award - the Twisted Tree of Life Award #14.

Here are some statements that are, well, dubious, and/or painful.

  • Biologists all over the world have been eagerly awaiting the results of the genetic analysis of one of the world's smallest known species, hereafter called the protozoan, from a little lake 30 kilometer south of Oslo in Norway.
    • Wow - really?  All over the world?
    • And why not tell us what the F#&$# it is?  Where is the name of the organism?  WTF?
  • When researchers from the University of Oslo, Norway compared its genes with all other known species in the world, they saw that the protozoan did not fit on any of the main branches of the tree of life. The protozoan is not a fungus, alga, parasite, plant or animal.
    • That is right.  There are five main branches on the tree of life.  Fungi.  Alga.  Parasites.  Plants. And animals.  Uggh.
  • His research group studies tiny organisms hoping to find answers to large, biological questions within ecology and evolutionary biology, and works across such different fields as biology, genetics, bioinformatics, molecular biology and statistics
    • Yes, and I study tiny organisms to answer small questions.
  • Life on Earth can be divided up into two main groups of species, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The prokaryote species, such as bacteria, are the simplest form of living organisms on Earth. 
    • Yup, two main groups.  As of 40 f3$*@# years ago.
  • The micro-organism is among the oldest, currently living eukaryote organisms we know of. It evolved around one billion years ago, plus or minus a few hundred million years.
    • OMG.  This is a MODERN ORGANISM.  It did not evolve a billion years ago.  It is no older than ANYTHING ELSE ON THE PLANET.  AAAAAARRRGH.
  • The tree of life can be divided into organisms with one or two flagella
    • What?
    • The tree of life can also be divided into organisms with one or two penises.  
  • Just like all other mammals, human sperm cells have only one flagellum. Therefore, humankind belongs to the same single flagellum group as fungi and amoebae.
    • I don't even know what to say here.
  • The protozoan from Ås has four flagella. The family it belongs to is somewhere between excavates, the oldest group with two flagella, and some amoebae, which is the oldest group with only one flagellum.
    • Wow - no prior description of the major groups of eukaryotes and now we use excavates (kind of technical) and amoebae (not technical).  Translation error?
    • But even w/ translation issues still very strange.
  • Were we to reconstruct the oldest, eukaryote cell in the world, we believe it would resemble our species. To calculate how much our species has changed since primordial times, we have to compare its genes with its nearest relatives, amoebae and excavates," says Shalchian-Tabrizi.
    • What?  Their species has been around since primordial times?  What?  That is one really old cell. 
  • The protozoan lives off algae, but the researchers still do not know what eats the protozoan. 
    • Why does something have to eat it?
  • The protozoan was discovered as early as 1865, but it is only now that, thanks to very advanced genetic analyses, researchers understand how important the species is to the history of life on Earth
    • Very advanced?  Like, what? Sequencing?  
  • The problem is that DNA sequences change a lot over time. Parts of the DNA may have been wiped away during the passing of the years. Since the protozoan is a very old species, an extra large amount of gene information is required
    • What?  Since it is old they need more DNA? What?
I could go on and on.  I won't.  But I will say one last thing that drives me crazy.  There is no paper attached to the press release in any way I can tell.  So all we are left with is this very very very very bad PR.  Ugh.