Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cleaning Out the Inbox - Post-Valentine's Day February Edition

Occasionally I will post a handful of items that came my way, in one form or another, that may be of interest to our readers.

For example, the other day my mother-in-law gave me a clipping from the New York Daily News that appeared back on Sunday, November 2011.


Michael McLeer of Brooklyn Made Tattoo on 93rd St. in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, designed the label for the new Beaujolais Nouveau and has his vintage 1976 Cadillac decorated the same way.

Readers of Tattoosday and/or residents of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, where we are based, will recognize "Kaves," as he is known. I first encountered his work back in 2008 here and, last May, he shared a piece on his own canvas, a portrait by Mark Mahoney here

Kaves is a true artist  on multiple fronts, and the photo above showcases his latest project, a wine label he designed. Read more about him and his Beaujolais in the full article here

Check out this tattoo-themed wallpaper:

So it's not Valentine's Day any more, but it's still pretty cool. You can grab this on the fFurious website here:


Speaking of Valentine's Day, I missed the opportunity to post this love-related tattoo video. Needles and Sins beat me to it, but I'll share it anyway.

That's from Brooklyn comedian Boris Khaykin. Pretty funny!


Normally, I like to stay positive on Tattoosday, so I've avoided posting all those "10 worst tattoos" lists and other such web features that mock the less-fortunate in the inked nation. However, this link, is actually pretty clever. It's called "10 Horrible and Unexpected Tattoo Consequences" and can be read here. Writer Molly Mahan elicited several chuckles from this here jaded inkblogger. Besides, you can learn a bit about " the first case of nonischemic priapism following penile tattooing". That's worth the price of admission right there.


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