Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mango Tree Planting Project in India

Tree of Life has started a tree-planting program in Dhablepuri village in the state of Maharashtra, India.

Dhablepuri is located in a dry and barren area. It is a very poor village.

We consulted a professor of agriculture (seen below on the far right) about what was the most appropriate tree to establish here. She advised planting mango trees.

The owners of Tree of Life were present for the planting of the first tree.

We are excited by this project which primarily aims to bring a cash crop to the village, as well as add a touch of beauty and abundance to the dry surrounding land.

We will be monitoring the project over the next few years to ensure that these trees receive protection, care and water to help them grow strong.

We thank A Touch of Love Foundation for managing this project and for their efforts to bring education, health and care to so many people.