Wednesday, July 14, 2010

There's a bug in my coffee what do I do?
a. pick the bug out and drink the coffee
b. throw the coffee away
c. a little extra protien won't hurt.

which leads to another question. How many bugs have I eaten and not known it? How many bug poops? eggs?
okay, I don't want the damn coffee anymore!

Alright, this is my blog. I'm gonna make it short cuz I don't really like blogs. Who reads them anyway? Just how bored can a human get? Check this out. On my website I have written a lot of stuff about spirituality. My favorite thing to think about. But I doubt anyone has ever read it. Okay, I will not only prove my point, I will also prove that no body will read this. No one will get past the bug stuff. I am going to edit my website and somewhere in the pages there will be a code word. It will look like this: "Code Word: naiad. If you E-mail this code word to me I will give you a free necklace". I'm only gonna do this once. Just in case I'm wrong. Cuz I'm wrong a lot. I was not wrong about blogs though. I'm already bored with writing. Later. Going to edit now....