Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I know - Ego Blogging is so 2010 - But I won. I won. I won. (The Ben Franklin Award ...)

OK so the title is a bit much. But I am really happy that I won this years Benjamin Franklin Award, given out by the Bioinformatics Organization. For more on this see ...
I found out a few days ago and am rearranging some things to go to Boston April 13 for the award ceremony at the Bio-IT World Conference and Expo.  

From the Bioinformatics Organization web site:
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was one of the most remarkable men of his time. Scientist, inventor, statesman, he freely and openly shared his ideas and refused to patent his inventions. It is the opinion of the founders of the Bioinformatics Organization, Inc. that he embodied the best traits of a scientist, and we seek to honor those who share these virtues
The Benjamin Franklin Award for Open Access in the Life Sciences is a humanitarian/bioethics award presented annually by this organization to an individual who has, in his or her practice, promoted free and open access to the materials and methods used in the life sciences.

I like the general sentiment very much.  And perhaps more important - the list of prior winners is an impressive crew.  Again, from the Bioinformatics Organization web site:
Note - my brother won the first one.

Anyway - am thinking about what to say in the awards ceremony.  Probably going to say something about how openness is more than about being at no charge.  Also I might discuss how it would be good to have a female winner one of these days.  Speaking of which - maybe people can give suggestions for women to nominate for next year ...