Monday, April 4, 2011

Request for #UCDavis affiliates to help Japan from Chancellor Katehi

Just got this email from the Chancellor of UC Davis Linda Katehi and thought I would share

To the UC Davis Community,

The crisis and devastation in Japan following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami continue, and as with any natural disaster of this magnitude, healing will be neither simple nor immediate. Our thoughts and hearts are with the Japanese people and with their many loved ones who are teaching and learning on our campus and in our community.

Inevitably, the disaster will fall from the headlines, but the UC Davis community will not look away. We will continue to reach out in comfort and with assistance to honor those who are hurting and in respect for our deep connection to Japan. Nearly 200 Japanese residents are currently studying at UC Davis, and this year, we have more than 50 Japanese faculty members visiting our campus. Our students were also at five universities in Japan at the time of the disaster, including in areas with heavy damage, and we are grateful that all are safe.

There is still much to do, and you can help, too. Please see this link for a variety of charities aiding the Japanese people:

UC Davis has a compassionate spirit, and I thank you for proving that once again.

Linda P.B. Katehi

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