Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mileys concert yesterday & what a great person she has become!

The singer offered her fans a night full of energy and positive vibe .


Miley Cyrus has something special. Not the best voice, not the best presence on the pop scene.It is the most experienced and constant disputes with the media have become easy targets for gossip magazines. But behind all its defects are chipping greatest virtues.Great discipline, improved his show's constant and the most notable: The always eat out on stage as he did last night at the Stadium Omnilife, to just over 15 thousand spectators, mostly young women the singer have become the symbol of a new generation of pop singers who do not claim to be perfect, but enjoy every moment on stage.
In what was the first test for Omnilife in a concert open to the public, interpreted and integrated a flawless installation exhibited the virtues of the stadium as a new space for concerts.
At about 21:00 pm the stage lights began to shine steadily, while sounding the first notes of Liberty walk, before the widespread public outcry. And before uttering a word, the artist and had magnetized the attention of the audience.
Those expecting a similar Miley Cyrus Hannah Montana at the tender took a surprise (especially parents). And the singer is showing a particular energy and sensuality that breaks with the traditional idea that a figure is "childish."
While much of the public who attended the exhibition yesterday were small between eight and 13 years, it is also true that young people between 15 and 18 are in Cyrus a reflection of their own growth. Wearing a corset and showing off tattoos, Miley dominated the scene from the beginning, dancing and waving to the audience.
"Thank you Mexico, tonight is special, because it ends the American stage Tour of Gypsy Heart. Has been long and I want to thank you for joining me this time. I want you to cry with me and enjoy the show, "Miley said, and got just that (a smile) of his followers, especially the ladies, who screamed, banners and even showed up who knew quite well the choreography of each the subjects performed the American singer, something that was evident in songs like Party in the USA and Robot.

Presume technology and tastes 
With a screen covering the back of the stage and where they were deployed graphics accompanying each item, the actress also tucked a fairly complete show visually, since it also served other two screens at the ends and a complex set of lights.
On stage he could see his group and team of dancers, who were delivered during the concert and at all times sought to engage viewers.
Cyrus also showed off his musical influences, not as close to pop as one might think given the niche that now dominates. Showed such a cover version of the theme ballad Every Rose has it's thorn and I love rock n'roll with a much more traditional, but the surprise, especially for parents who accompanied their daughters, came when he played Smells like teen spirit, the classic line from Nirvana grunge, same garnered applause from the audience.
With pieces such as Can not be tamed, Take me along and The Climb, the U.S. raised the temperature of the stage and rounded off a concert that myth collapses and leaves a high visual extravagance. It is clear that Miley Cyrus has grown and is not interested in being the queen of children's pop, but has its sights on a scepter singers vying for the highest caliber as Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, among others. Time, for now, is on their side.
''I like to think that my music not only serves to entertain, but also causes people to be inspired and can give the best'' Miley Cyrus, singer. 

The data 

Greys singer undertook to open the concert, and welcomed the opportunity to "open the show for a singer so important." The young pop performer had a good performance to jump on stage to the point of 20:05 pm and promised that, if possible, to return soon to Guadalajara.