Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yet another scammy spammy email from the Beverly Hills Times

I get these types of emails from the "Beverly Hills Times Magazine" every once in a while.  They seem spammy or scammy in some way and I thought, rather than suffer alone, maybe I should share.  So here goes:

Dear Professor,
The Beverly Hills Times Magazine is considering running an article on experiments proposed at MIT and a few hypotheses. We are seeking background information on the topics related to these experiments and hypotheses. We are asking for your assistance because your extensive expertise has been brought to the attention of the Beverly Hills Times Magazine. The article deals with neuroscience, biophysics, theoretical physics, philosophy, religious studies, ethics, and particle physics.
As background information on the Beverly Hills Times Magazine, my name is Stephen Takowsky, and I am the publisher of Beverly Hills Times Magazine. The Beverly Hills Times is a free magazine that goes to the residences and businesses in Beverly Hills, California. We have several prestigious contributors including: Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich. We maintain close contacts with other media, and our articles have been featured on several media platforms.
For more information on our magazine, you can view our website at, or you can Google us by searching for Beverly Hills Times.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Our main goal at this point is to determine whether there is any established scientific evidence that tends either to support or invalidate the hypotheses. We would also consider publishing one of your own articles as trade for your contribution. We are interested in opinions from multiple fields of expertise. If you do not have time please feel free to forward this to a colleague or students that may be interested in providing feedback.
Please let us know. We would greatly appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Here is the url to the hypotheses and experiments: (
If you are interested, we would appreciate having your comments by September 1, 2011.
Thank you for your time.
Stephen Takowsky
Publisher, Beverly Hills Times Magazine
Others have written about how this seems to be a scam in some way:

If anyone knows more detail out there about this "magazine" please post them.