Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More fun with Mendeley plug ins for reference management #thingsIshouldhaveknownabout

OK - so I am a bit slow. I have been using Mendeley a lot recently. It has all sorts of nice "Social Networking" features for sharing reference lists and publications. I have for example used it as part of my push to free up papers by my father: Freeing my father's publications part 5: near completion of PDF collection at Mendeley (h/t @David_Dobbs). And I have created some groups on Mendeley for sharing publications relating to various topics in which I am interested including: Microbial Forensics, Microbiology of the Built Environment and Phylogenetic and related analyses of metagenomic data. I have experimented with other online reference management systems like CiteULike, Connotea, Zotero, etc and each have some nice features. I have even written up some more detail on how to use citeulike for one project: Introducing citeulike group on microbiology of the built environment ....

 But it is the more elaborate social networking features that drew me to Mendeley and why I am using it more than the other online system.  And I have focused for example on getting all my personal publication in there to share them with others. And I confess I did not pay attention to many of the other features.

Yesterday however I discovered that Mendeley has plug-ins for generating bibliographies in various word processing programs: Reference Manager | Mendeley. Obviously I probably should have known this. But I have been using EndNote forever and had not experimented with anything new in a while. But I tried out the Mendeley Plugin for MS Word and it is OK. Not perfect. Still needs some work. But it is another factor in why I will likely shift even more to using Mendeley over other system. Still will play with the other ones out there ... so if people have comments or suggestions please post.

Plus see below for an example of some of the Mendeley embed widgets one can make