Return To Dhablepuri.
August 2011.
The change is amazing. There is even a carpet of wild flowers by the road where there was nothing but dust.
The new baby custard apple trees have been planted.
And the mango trees, to our delight, one year later, are growing.
We still have to plan carefully to nurse them through the dry months ahead, but for now all is well.
There is further action in Dhablepuri. The government has agreed to build some new classrooms for the children...
... and while the classroom is still clearly a work in progress - it is fantastic progress.
We asked Pritam, one of the teachers at the school what extra help we could give her and the school and she requested trees and flowers for the schoolyard - and we knew we could provide that. What an amazing feeling.
She also asked for more of the colourful educational boards we brought with us last time for the younger children.
The Tree Of Life Calendar (available in store) is a project that helps raise funds for the school and Mango Tree Project. The calendar features portraits of some of the children in the school to help highlight their situation. This year, we took extra copies with us and Dr Bande shared them with the children, who were clearly enthralled to see their friends in print!
The change in the children from just two or three months earlier in the middle of the drought was incredible. Happier and more engaged, it makes us so happy to be involved in this project.
The rain, the return of their school routine and the free nutritional lunches make a big difference in their lives.
And the oranges, bananas and sweets we brought for them could have been the highlight of the day.
This visit was a real success... this is Wendy, co-founder of Tree Of Life, leaving the school at the end of the visit. She, like all of us, is deeply happy with the success of the project and excited for what can happen here with some love, help and planning. Please get involved if you can. x