Saturday, December 31, 2011

>Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images

Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos - Arm Sleeves Tattoo
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos - Wings Tattoo
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos
Davey Havok Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Images
Davey Havok Tattoos
Davey Havok is an American rock singer, best known as the lead vocalist of the rock band 'AFI'. The Singer has two complete arm sleeves tattoo, six nautical stars and a flaming heart on his chest, huge angel wings covering his entire back, his left arm has a black cat, ghosts, praying hands of Jesus, pumpkins and bats. The tattoos on his right arm include, a dark haunted looking city, Jack from the night before Christmas, brick wall, pumpkins, witch, along with several other tattoos.


Inking without a plan gives Booth freedom to explore the desires of those seated in his chair, he says, to feed off their energy, allowing his clients' demons to help guide the needle.
~Joshua Lipton, about tattoo artist Paul Booth, "Bad Skin," Rolling Stone, 28 March 2002.

Beauty is skin deep. A tattoo goes all the way to the bone.
~Author Unknown

 Tattooing is about personalizing the body, making it a true home and fit temple for the spirit that dwells inside it.... Tattooing therefore, is a way of keeping the spiritual and material needs of my body in balance.
~Michelle Delio

Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate?
~Author Unknown

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

New Year's Eve takes me back. Every year until we moved to Arizona when I was 13, my parents would pile everyone into the car and drive us up north to our best family friends' house.  Both sets of our parents would go out to the Fireman's Ball to drink and dance the night away, and our trusty babysitter Betty would watch us girls.  It was always the four of us- two sets of sisters: Lauren and me, Corin and Caitlyn. Corin was my age and Cait was Lauren's, and we grew up spending all of life's milestones and family vacations together. Our Moms were best friends in college, bridesmaids in each others' weddings, and after each of them started a family they all became one big group of friends along with some other couples and their kids too. It's neat to look back at all the fun we had, and New Year's Eve was always such a fun night that we looked forward to all year. In typical fashion once our parents left we'd indulge in a million appetizers our Moms would set out, we'd eat yummy cake and German sweets (thanks to Aunt Marita) and drink soda. We'd giggle and run around the house, get into the The Twilight Zone marathon, and at midnight we'd watch the ball drop and toast with our little cups of sparkling cider. Sweet, elderly Betty would somehow round us up and get us into bed, but we'd never sleep. This was always a late night for our parents, so for the next couple of hours we'd have "sister wars," playing pranks on Lauren and Cait, they'd spy on us, send little notes under the doors, and try to avoid Betty coming back down the hallway telling us to go to sleep! We'd always make up little missions for each other- "sneak down the hallway and grab a piece of chocolate cake without Betty noticing." Oh, we were rebels! haha. Then sometime around 2am our parents would come home, we'd pretend to be asleep, then pretend to wake up so we could snack on some of the yummy treats they'd bring home for us. It was so magical.

Nowadays New Year's Eve means family for us. This year we planned on having a few friends over to celebrate, but we ended up coming down to Phoenix to spend it with my parents, sister and brother-in-law. I'm so happy to be here, and I couldn't be more ecstatic to ring in a New Year sitting in our pajamas, eating too much food, and knowing that Henry is sleeping soundly upstairs. 

2011 was wonderful, and just like I said about last year, it really was the best year of my life. I feel lucky that I'm able to say that once again. I think this past year was more about personal growth than anything. As I expected this first full year of being a Mom was so transformative; I feel like so much has changed. Having a baby has a way or re-prioritizing everything in your world. Insignificant things that were once important seem to fall away, and life begins to simplify a bit as your focus narrows. That was 2011 for me.


I am looking forward to so much in these next 12 months. I love the New Year and think any sort of fresh start is inspiring. Yes, tomorrow is just another day, but it still is a fun symbol of starting anew. I'm not making specific resolutions but I am focusing on a few different areas of my life, and I'm excited to keep making headway on those things.

2011, you've been good to us. We continued adjusting to our new role as parents, my sister got married, we had an AZ blogger meetup, and I attended some great concerts and shows.  I had a lot of fun girls' nights (like this one and this one), I started writing for Hello Giggles, I began the last year of my 20s, started Henry in swim class, celebrated his first 4th of July, and took a 2-week vacation all around the East Coast.

I traveled to California to celebrate Shirley's bachelorette weekend, took fun family day trips like this one to Flagstaff, my best friend Sarah got married- I was her Maid of Honor, and we celebrated the beginning of Arizona's centennial. I also got my blog redesigned, visited Las Vegas with my little family, and later took an amazing trip back with some of my favorite ladies, and was a bridesmaid in sweet Shirley's wedding too.

Henry visited his first pumpkin patch, took part in his first Halloween festival downtown, and we happily celebrated his first Halloween. Our little guy turned one, we had a fun party for him, and we had two family photo sessions with our friend Christina. We ended the year celebrating Christmas with a light parade, a fun girly sleepover, and spending time with family.


It's awesome to look back, and then to think ahead and imagine what great things this next year has in store for us. Thank you once again, from the bottom of my heart, for reading along with all 558 of my posts this year (wow!). I love you guys.

Happy New Year!

Note @David_Dobbs @mbeisen had nice family PM yesterday watching wrapup of 2004 ALCS @David_Dobbs @mbeisen


Draft blog post cleanup #2: Metagenomics meets animals

OK - I am cleaning out my draft blog post list.  I start many posts and don't finish them and then they sit in the draft section of blogger.  Well, I am going to try to clean some of that up by writing some mini posts.  Here is #2:

Saw an interesting story on Genome Web: 'Denizens' of the Deep | The Daily Scan | GenomeWeb.  I have not been able to get the original article yet, but it seems that what they have done can basically be considered metagenomics for animals.  They collected sloughed off cells and other material from a lake and surveyed it for animal DNA.  This seems like a very cool derivative of metagenomic approaches and has enormous potential.  But alas, I never got down to getting access to the paper: Monitoring endangered freshwater biodiversity using environmental DNA so this will have to stay as a mini post.  Damn non open access journals ...

Draft blog post cleanup #1: Divide and Conquer to Find Orthologs

OK - I am cleaning out my draft blog post list.  I start many posts and don't finish them and then they sit in the draft section of blogger.  Well, I am going to try to clean some of that up by writing some mini posts.  Here is the first ---

Saw an interesting paper worth checking out:
PLoS ONE: Calculating Orthologs in Bacteria and Archaea: A Divide and Conquer Approach

It describes not only a way to speed up continual ortholog annotation in bacterial and archaeal genomes but also is linked to an ongoing open code development project.

Here is the abstract:
Among proteins, orthologs are defined as those that are derived by vertical descent from a single progenitor in the last common ancestor of their host organisms. Our goal is to compute a complete set of protein orthologs derived from all currently available complete bacterial and archaeal genomes. Traditional approaches typically rely on all-against-all BLAST searching which is prohibitively expensive in terms of hardware requirements or computational time (requiring an estimated 18 months or more on a typical server). Here, we present xBASE-Orth, a system for ongoing ortholog annotation, which applies a “divide and conquer” approach and adopts a pragmatic scheme that trades accuracy for speed. Starting at species level, xBASE-Orth carefully constructs and uses pan-genomes as proxies for the full collections of coding sequences at each level as it progressively climbs the taxonomic tree using the previously computed data. This leads to a significant decrease in the number of alignments that need to be performed, which translates into faster computation, making ortholog computation possible on a global scale. Using xBASE-Orth, we analyzed an NCBI collection of 1,288 bacterial and 94 archaeal complete genomes with more than 4 million coding sequences in 5 weeks and predicted more than 700 million ortholog pairs, clustered in 175,531 orthologous groups. We have also identified sets of highly conserved bacterial and archaeal orthologs and in so doing have highlighted anomalies in genome annotation and in the proposed composition of the minimal bacterial genome. In summary, our approach allows for scalable and efficient computation of the bacterial and archaeal ortholog annotations. In addition, due to its hierarchical nature, it is suitable for incorporating novel complete genomes and alternative genome annotations. The computed ortholog data and a continuously evolving set of applications based on it are integrated in the xBASE database, available at
Definitely worth checking out.

Gemstones for 2012

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is an ancient gemstone. In some ancient cultures it was considered more valuable than gold. Before the discovery of chemical dyes in the 19th century lapis was pulverized and used as a dye for material and paint. It was very expensive. Painters had to make there own colors and lapis was what they used to get blue. There is not much blue used in Rembrandt's paintings because he was so poor. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli in jewelry as a symbol of Truth. I plan to use some Lapis Lazuli in my new jewelry for 2012.
Here is a necklace I made this year using Lapis Lazuli chips.

I call this necklace "Truth"

Happy New Year 2012 Wallpapers

"A new year is folding - like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within"
We wish you a very Happy New Year, May all your Wishes and Goals for the year come true :) Enjoy the Fire Works

Click On Read more Button for more Amazing Wallpapers!


Friday, December 30, 2011

>Tila Tequila Celebrity Tattoo

Tila Tequila Celebrity TattooTila Tequila Celebrity Tattoo

Khloe Kardashian Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Patsy Kensit Tattoo - Celebrity Tattoo

Maynard James Keenan Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Josh Hartnett Neck Tattoo

Kelis Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo

Alicia Keys Back Tattoo Design

Megan Fox Sexy Tattoo Design

Colin Farrell Celebrity Tattoo

Celebrity Lil Wayne Tattoo Design


Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.  ~Jack London

Women, don't get a tattoo.  That butterfly looks great on your breast when you're twenty or thirty, but when you get to seventy, it stretches into a condor.  ~Billy Elmer

 You may lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various ways.  You may lose your house, your wife and other treasures.  But of your moko, you cannot be deprived except by death.  It will be your ornament and companion until your last day.  ~Netana Whakaari of Waimana

I always look for a woman who has a tattoo.  I see a woman with a tattoo, and I'm thinking, okay, here's a gal who's capable of making a decision she'll regret in the future.  ~Richard Jeni

Weekend links

my other true love
flashback Friday: Madeline and me, two years ago

Happy weekend everyone! I'll be back tomorrow with a little New Year's post, but until then here are some links to explore. Enjoy!

If you click ONE thing in this post, click this link to read about 30 things to stop doing to yourself now. I love this.

The top 12 vegan recipes on Oh She Glows. Awesome!

How adorable would this necklace be for a newlywed, or even at a bridal shower (or even now...hint, hint!).

A list of 'Pay It Forward' ideas. Super inspiring.

After reading her post about getting fit in 2012, I am sending Krista a huge internet high-five.

Are you in the market for a new day planner for 2012? Check out this post.

My friend Casey sent me the sweetest gift this past week- a painting! I'll share a photo of it soon.

I'm always looking for fun ways to spice up get-togethers, so this appetizer idea is great.

Great news, Amber is blogging more.

I enjoyed reading about Michelle's 11 random things and found out we have a few very weird things in common!

True feeling versus should-be-feelings. I liked this post about accepting ourselves.

Need some NYE inspiration? Look no further than these pretty images.

The Chicago Tribune has named the best books of 2011. Are any of your favorites on there?

Etsy sponsor love: one, two, three!

Have you check out the "Sometimes Sweet" project for Funk Off yet? I think it smells pretty darn good. ;)
Loving Martha's collection of lighter New Year's party food!

One of my friends mentioned that she wanted to be less of a "yes" person in 2012. How perfect is this brooch? ;)

I posted about this two week's ago, but my buddy Jason's new site Passionfruit is launching soon! Check it out.

One of my favorite people is having another baby! I for one cannot wait to follow along. I adore Katie.

I love Carly's 2011 recap! It gets me excited to write one of my own this weekend.

This article about dealing with negative or difficult people is so on point and so what I needed to read. Maybe you'll relate too.

I'm loving Leigh-Ann's outfit here! She's adorable.

And finally, in the mood to discover a new blog? Check this one out! And this one, too! I'm loving both of them.

Happy New Year's weekend everyone!
from: dulce
to: ""
date: Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 12:19 PM
subject: a question/ tatoo

dear sir

today I met this man, who came to fix my car.
when I saw his arm, tattoed , I did ask him the meaning of the word and he said: this is the name of his son, called: João Victor (something like John Victor in English)

Is he right? I don´t think so....

best regards


It is completely gibberish, not even correct with the gibberish font.

upcoming Movies in 2012

2012 Will be the Best year in BoxOffice, lot of Block busters Lined up for Releases in 2012. has compiled a huge list of upcoming Movies.

January 2012 Releases

Devil Inside


Directed by:
William Brent Bell

Fernanda Andrade, Isabella Rossi, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth, Ionut Grama, Suzan Crowley, Bonnie Morgan, Brian

Charlize Theron Photoshoot

Charlize Theron Photoshoot at Paramount's office

Eliza Dushku turns 31

Today Eliza Dushku Turns 31, XnYs Wishes a very Happy Birthday and Happy New Year too, Good Luck - keep Smiling ;)

Happy Birthday Eliza Dushku

tattoo artist New Year

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

Media in Ink

tattoo artist
A tattoo artist has the task to put on the skin indelibly a drawing. For liability conferred, he must be conscientious and thorough knowledge of the trade. A tattoo artist seriously, the customer provides detailed information on the risks and burdens entailed by sessions that serve to create a job. The client who comes for the first time in the studio of a professional tattoo artist is given a questionnaire to fill out health hygienic. In addition, a tattoo artist really cares to understand what the real motivations of the client and prevent these, moved by motives transient or minor, is undergoing treatment which then poterebbe repent. We advise against tattoos much brightly exposed, neck, hands, those who have not already extensive tattoos. Tattooing political symbols, trademarks, is considered unprofessional. A craftsman really does not favor any of the fads, but he created his own line of boards, carries out a school. From the hygienic point of view, the customer should be informed about the study methods used for sterilization and cleaning of tools and environments. The sterilization system is by far preferable to the saturated steam autoclaves obtained. The autoclaves are tested regularly and kept in the study and performed tests to customers. The tattoo artist should wear gloves, gowns and masks. With the overcrowding and the consequent commodification of the phenomenon, they are going to lose the contents and the deeper meanings of this practice, should be recalled, that even if the costume now accepts more and more tattooed people within the various realities, attention is being lost to meaning of the symbol of the tattoo, the lack of culture not only because of the tattoo, the tattoo artist but also and above all, the skin takes to write symbols and meanings are not suitable. Every culture, whether it be Japanese or Polynesian, to assign a specific meaning of each symbol, would be by at least one of the parties concerned informed about the significance of what we want to run

Shanon Inks Lovely Thoughts

Last week, my brother Seth was in town, and I met him after work at a restaurant near Madison Square Garden, where he was having a quick bite with Shanon, an old friend of his from Southern California. He had just seen Shanon in a performance of Peter Pan at the Garden. Shanon is with the touring company of the show, and acts in the role of Curly, one of the Lost Boys, and is an understudy to the title character, played by Cathy Rigby, as well as the role of Mrs. Darling. The show closes in New York today (December 30, 2011).

I was talking to Seth and Shanon when I noticed that she had a tattoo on her inner right wrist. Of course, I went into Tattoosday mode, and she agreed to share some of her ink with us here on Tattoosday.

This is the piece on her wrist:

Shanon also removed her left shoe, to display her foot tattoo:

We took pictures of both tattoos because they each relate to Shanon's journey as an actress, and her role in Peter Pan.

The tattoo on her wrist references a verse in the Bible's New Testament, Mark 9:23. Shanon said that she was specifically drawn to the passage's proclamation that "Anything is possible to he who believes."

Her foot tattoo instructs "Think lovely thoughts," which is from Peter Pan itself, most popularly in the song "I'm Flying".

The show was the first play she remembers seeing as a child, and it is her first professional job in New York. Both messages tie into the fact that Shanon pursued her passion for performing and was able to attain the goal of being on stage in New York City. The road between first seeing Peter Pan and being on stage at the theater in Madison Square Garden, "the world's most famous arena," is no easy route to take. Believing in oneself and positive thinking are just two elements in attaining one's goals.

Both tattoos were done at Action Tattoo in Yorba Linda, California.

Thanks to Shanon for sharing her inspiring tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.


The Homie Tony D. came through to add to his collection..

Hollywood Celebrities Best Eyes

Check out the Hollywood Celebrities who has best eyes. Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them. #Evangeline Lilly
I’m not going to make a joke about getting LOST in those eyes, but I could have.

#Rachel BilsonCan’t let light sparkly eyes have all the fun.
#Lyndsy FonsecaI was supposed to meet her at the Hot Tub Time Machine press junket, but she bailed for a Kick-Ass event. Just as well

Thursday, December 29, 2011

>Tamil Actor Sarath Kumar Tattoo Design

Tamil Actor Sarath Kumar Tattoo Design
Tamil Actor Sarath Kumar Tattoo Design
Tamil Actress Namitha and Handsome Hunk Sarath Kumar with his Chest Tattoo
Tamil Actor Sarath Kumar Tattoo Design
Check out Sarath Kumar with a temporary tribal chest tattoo design.

Scarlett Johansson 2012 Calendar

Scarlett Johansson 2012 Calendar
Scarlett Johansson is rated one of the most attractive woman from Hollywood. 
scarlett Johansson is a Global Ambassador for the aid and development agency, Oxfam. In March 2008, a UK-based bidder paid £20,000 on an eBay auction to benefit Oxfam, winning a hair and makeup treatment, a pair of tickets and a chauffered trip to accompany Johansson on a 20-minute

Miley Cyrus Laundry Photoshoot

The richest teen in the world! Miley Cyrus went out for laundry with a style

19-year-old Miley Cyrus went to a local laundry store with her buddy Denika and sister Brandi Cyrus, the gorgeous troika ended up clicking themselves in an impromptu Photoshoot

Miley Cyrus Laundry Photoshoot

Miley Cyrus Laundry Photoshoot

Miley Cyrus Laundry Photoshoot

UC Davis Chancellor putting increased emphasis on communications

Just got this email announcement and I thought I would share.  As many know, in the aftermath of the pepper spray incident, whether you support the UC Davis Chancellor or not, it was pretty clear that communications regarding the incident were, well, poor at best.  Hopefully this will improve things.  Of course, action is more important than communication --- but I am glad to see the Chancellor responding to communication issues ---

Dear Colleagues, 
I write to inform you about additional actions that I am taking immediately to strengthen Strategic Communications. These steps will help us address needs and challenges facing UC Davis today while preparing us to take advantage of opportunities that lie ahead. 

You may recall that in September 2011 I eliminated the office of Vice Chancellor of University Relations and shifted Communications, Government Relations, and Special Events to the Office of the Chancellor, reporting directly to me. Shortly thereafter, Cynthia Barbera was brought on to serve as the acting Executive Director of Strategic Communications pending the appointment of a permanent director. 
In meetings with various colleges and departments over the past three weeks as well as in other contexts, I heard many comments and clearly expressed concerns about the ability of Strategic Communications to meet our present needs. I share many of these concerns. 
Accordingly, I have asked Barry Shiller to serve as interim Executive Director of Strategic Communications. He will assume day-to-day management of the campus’s central communications activities, effective January 5, 2012. 
Barry brings to us an extensive background in strategic communications, diverse career experiences from the UC system and elsewhere, and – as a proud Aggie parent (Class of 2007) – particular appreciation for UC Davis' distinctions and excellence. 
Most recently, Barry served for more than three years as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications & Marketing at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC). There, he guided UCSC’s marketing and institutional communication efforts including media relations, branding and marketing, and campus communications. He closely collaborated with students, faculty, staff, foundation and alumni representatives, campus leadership and others on a comprehensive effort to highlight UCSC’s many distinctions in teaching, research and service. Under his leadership, UCSC achieved greater regional and national prominence. 
Barry previously served in a similar capacity for nearly five years at Saint Mary's College of California. Prior to that, he held communications and public affairs leadership positions at a San Francisco public relations agency; an e-commerce start-up firm and the northern California affiliate of the American Automobile Association (AAA). Barry earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of San Francisco and completed advanced studies in insurance and risk management. 
I am confident that Barry will serve us extremely well as the interim leader of our central communications activities. I hope you will join me in warmly welcoming him to the UC Davis family. 
It is also essential that we launch and complete a comprehensive national search for the permanent director of our central communications unit. Many faculty and others have expressed an interest in helping to shape and inform the long-term direction of our campus communications activities. Community input will be critical to this search as well as the ongoing evolution of our strategic communications efforts. 
I have asked Jessie Ann Owens, Dean of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies, to chair the Recruitment and Selection Committee for this important position, and Dean Owens has graciously agreed. You may expect details early in the New Year about the search process and in particular how faculty, students, staff and other members of the campus community can contribute to this endeavor. 
I’ll continue to share updates as we work to improve our communications efforts. Your assistance is critical to our success. 
I wish each of you much peace as we enter the New Year. 
Linda P.B. Katehi 

Top 10 Humorous Science Videos of the Year

I was starting to compile a Top 10 list of best humorous Science-related videos of the year.  And I got stuck on #1 because it is so so so good.  But I was able to find some others I liked (and listed them in no particular order)... so here goes.  If you know of other good ones please post/tweet ...

1. Bad Project video from the Zheng lab.  This is simply awesome.

2. Top 10 quirky science tricks for parties.  I found out about this from Twitter ... and it is very good.

3. Cracked.Com has some funny spoofs, though usually not about science.  Here is one I found about science, sort of.

Bill O'Reilly Teaches Kids About Science -- powered by

4. The Onion has some great science spoofs of course.  I found this one but there are many more.

Brooke Alvarez Has All The Answers, Even About Particle Physics 

5. Colbert has some brilliant Science spoofs.  This one however takes the cake in a way: Colbert nuclear explosion

6. Robotic Operation (which I found through

7. OK - so it's very very long.  But there are some funny parts - the 2011 Ig Nobel Award Ceremony

8. Abby Harrison is very funny. ... I first saw here microorganism stand up stuff but I think this one is better.

9. OK so this is not the funniest video with Brian Malow but it give some background on "The Science Comedian"

10. And perhaps my favorite - from the Daily Show --- Science - What's it up to?

Please suggest others ...

This Week on Hello Giggles: On Being a High School English Teacher


This week I'm talking about my experience being a high school English teacher, and what I learned during those six years. Head on over to Hello Giggles and check it out!


We just got our new shipment of the only the only product we use when we are running a stencil for a portrait or protecting the original artwork drawn directly on the skin.
Thanks to H2ocean for making the best in Tattoo Products.

>Scary Devil Tattoo Design


Celtic Tribal Back Tattoo For Men

Tribal Arm Sleeves and Back Tattoo For Men

Beautiful Tribal Butterfly Tattoo on Female Back

Black Tribal Dragon Tattoo on Back

Female Back Body Tribal Tattoo with Butterfly Tattoo


Think before you ink!  ~Author Unknown

Your necklace may break, the fau tree may burst, but my tattooing is indestructible.  It is an everlasting gem that you will take into your grave.  ~Verse from a traditional tattoo artist's song, as quoted on, "Skin Stories: The Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo," 2003

The perfect tattoo... the one I believe we are all struggling toward... is the one that turned the jackass into a zebra.  ~Cliff Raven

The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation.  ~James Cook, 1779

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

If you subscribe to the NY Times - you might want to cancel to get their secret discount

Just got this email

Dear New York Times Reader, 

You may have received an e-mail today from The New York Times with the subject line “Important information regarding your subscription." 

This e-mail was sent by us in error. Please disregard the message. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. 


The New York Times

Which then caused me to go back to my trash and read the previous one:
Dear Home Delivery Subscriber, 

Our records indicate that you recently requested to cancel your home delivery subscription. Please keep in mind when your delivery service ends, you will no longer have unlimited access to and our NYTimes apps. 

We do hope you’ll reconsider. 

As a valued Times reader we invite you to continue your current subscription at an exclusive rate of 50% off for 16 weeks. This is a limited-time offer and will no longer be valid once your current subscription ends.* 

Continue your subscription and you’ll keep your free, unlimited digital access, a benefit available only for our home delivery subscribers. You’ll receive unlimited access to on any device, full access to our smartphone and iPad® apps, plus you can now share your unlimited access with a family member.† 

To continue your subscription call 1-877-698-0025 and mention code 38H9H (Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. E.D.T.). 

This is a service message. You are receiving this e-mail to confirm your New York Times home delivery cancellation. 

*This 50% promotional offer is available for the first 16 weeks. At the end of this promotional period, delivery will continue at the regular rate unless you notify us otherwise. You will be billed or your credit card automatically charged in advance of each 4-week billing period. This offer is valid only in areas served by The New York Times Delivery Service. Prices are subject to change. Offer is subject to additional restrictions or limitations. State and local taxes will be added where applicable. Product availability and price may vary by region. This is a limited-time offer and will no longer be valid once your current subscription ends. Offer is not transferable and is only available to the recipient of this e-mail.

†Mobile apps are not supported on all devices. Does not include e-reader editions, Premium Crosswords or The New York Times Crosswords apps. Book Review and Large Print Weekly subscriptions do not include All Digital Access. Other restrictions apply. 

So apparently if I had cancelled my subscription I would be able to get a temporary discount to restart my subscription.  Well, that is interesting.  Gonna be canceling my subscription soon I think ...

I note - despite the generally excellent writing at the NY Times I am a bit perplexed by the signature suggesting this email was actually coming from the newspaper and not a person in the circulation department ...

The Long Story About a Small Tattoo, or, Megan Massacre's Golden Touch

Tonight on TLC, New York Ink premieres its second season. For those of you who may have blinked, I got about six seconds of quality screen time in season 1, episode 7, at the tail end of the show. I figured I'd share my experience here, in conjunction with the premiere of the show's sophomore run.

Ever since news broke earlier this year that Ami James, formerly of TLC’s Miami Ink, was opening up shop in New York City, and developing NY Ink, people within and on the periphery of the tattoo industry were waiting to see how it would play up.

Bits and pieces of news fragments floated about during the spring, in the blogosphere, and in the print media. This piece, in New York magazine really caught my attention.

So, a few weeks before the series was set to premiere on TLC during the first week of June, I was excited to see, on one of my favorite sites, Tattoo Snob, this blurb:

New York Ink’s $50 rooster deal

Wooster Street Social Club (A.K.A. the home of New York Ink) will be hosting/shooting a $50 rooster tattoo event on Friday, May 20th. The event starts at 11am, and will air at the end of Season 1 of New York Ink.

Send an RSVP email today to with the subject: RSVP ROOSTER. Be sure to include your name, phone number and email address and you’ll be put on the VIP list.
Well, as you would imagine, my interest was piqued, so I dashed off an email and crossed my fingers. I then asked for Friday off, anticipating that I could get down there, thinking they were going to do one of those Friday-the-13th-like events, tattooing hundreds of roosters on adoring fans. Surely, I thought, I was fast enough out of the gate to make the list.

Unfortunately, that night I got an email from NY Ink breaking it to me that I wasn’t selected, but I was more than welcome to come down and be an extra.

Not really interested in missing work to not get a tattoo, I chalked it up to experience and BBM’d my boss and told him I’d be in Friday, after all.

“Never mind about Friday,” I messaged, “just got an email saying they were booked solid.”

“That sucks,” he wrote back.

“I could go, but no guarantee,” I messaged back, “not worth it.”

He tried to console me, “At least you won’t have a dumb rooster on you for the rest of your life.”

That was one way of looking at it.

The next day, I had just returned from lunch when the following e-mail hit my BlackBerry:

Exciting news! We have added 5 more spots to the guaranteed rooster tattoo list for tomorrow. If you are still interested in the $50 tattoo event tomorrow, and 100% want to get the tattoo please reply to this email by 2pm today with the subject line "100% rooster." Please note we need you to arrive by 11 AM sharp, and do not have an end time for the shoot. You need to be able to commit fully to the day in order to be involved.

The first 5 people to reply to this email will be added to the guaranteed rooster tattoo list. You will receive a confirmation email and phone call if you are chosen. Anyone we do not respond to is still more than welcome to attend the event but cannot be guaranteed a rooster tattoo.

Thanks and good luck! 
NY Ink Casting

I responded immediately and things looked promising when I got this message:

Hi Bill-

What is your phone number?


Moments after sending my number, I got the call. I was in! The production team sent me the logistics and I was good to go.

I got completely razzed by my boss, but he gave me the day off.

With my mother's birthday approaching, I thought it would be fun to dedicate the rooster tattoo to her late "pet" Golden, memorialized here. In addition, I thought that the personal side of this story would make my rooster tattoo stand out among all the others being inked. It was a decent strategy, I thought. Just to show I wasn't making this up, I brought a picture of Golden along with me to the shoot.

I arrived early, about 30 minutes or so ahead of the call time, bemoaning the fact that I was arriving much later than I anticipated, thinking they were going to be inking a ton of roosters. I was the only one there, but the crowd quickly grew to a few dozen. Still, I thought, much less than I anticipated.

I even spotted a Tattoosday contributor Liz in line and wondered who else I would see. It was a bit of a blur, as people filled out forms, had photos taken, and mingled. I met a guy named Roy, who saw I had checked in on Facebook, and he friended me as we stood in line. He had driven up from Philadelphia for the occasion.

A light rain had started to fall, and we huddled under a construction scaffold across the street from the shop.

I was still puzzled by the small group of people present, considering the call for volunteers. When one producer asked “those getting rooster tattoos” to come up on a landing above the sidewalk where we were all standing, I was even further shocked by the small group of us that broke off of the main group. I asked the producer how many of us were getting tattoos and my heart jumped when she looked at her clipboard and said, “There’s only ten of you.” I was stunned, I thought we’d be vying for airtime with dozens of people, based on the instructions we should be expected to stay “all day, into the evening”. It would certainly be easier to stand out with only nine other people getting inked.

Cut to us being ferried across the street for some exterior shots in front of the shop. Slight drizzle still falling. It was then that I noticed, maybe forty feet away, Corey Miller standing under a tree watching us. I had just met him the night before (recounted here) and 24 hours later here he was again! There was a slight buzz as a few of us recognized him and wondered, would we be getting a rooster tattoo from Corey Miller?

Time sped up as the moment of truth arrived. After an unknown person, who we later learn is Floor Manager, Robear, does a rooster-costumed warm-up in the light rain, Ami James opens the door and yells “who wants a fifty dollar cock?”

That’s our cue to file in and I am number five, or last, in the first group. A woman named Jessica, the shop manager, gives us paperwork as the cameras roll. I watch with envy as I see Tim Hendricks pick a client, then Ami James, then Tommy Montoya, and Roy, who knows Megan Massacre from Philly, gets paired up with her. Who’s left? I don’t see Chris Torres, but there are people running around everywhere, and the shop looks amazing. Huge, spacious, covered with art.

I chat with Jessica and discover she knows Marisa and Brian, from Needles and Sins. I show her my picture of Golden, the famous Hawaiian rooster, and she hands me a post-it with the number five on it.

Golden, photo courtesy Diane Ferreira

The next five sign in at the desk and the other folks from the line sit in the waiting area, as human background. I stand around, eschewing a seat, figuring I will be more visible and not overlooked. When the show finally airs, I am prominently lurking in many of the shots, maroon Tommy Bahama shirt sticking out like a sore thumb.

Tattoo machines whir and Jessica comes up to me telling me she’s going to set me up with Ami. This brings me great joy. The flash for the roosters is a little disappointing, five versions of small tribal cocks, in various positions, crowing, strutting, with various color schemes. Black. Black fading to red. Black fading to blue. Black fading to green. If I am going to get a small, unimpressive rooster silhouette, let it be from Ami James, I think.

I do an on-camera interview with the producers, plugging Tattoosday and sharing the story of Golden, my mother’s deceased Hawaiian rooster. I know it’s not likely that much of it will air, but I figure it’s good for something.

The second wave of clients get tattooed. I pay my $50, including a $10 tip. I am keeping an eye on Ami but he doesn’t seem to be gearing up for another client. I start to get a sinking feeling about the likelihood of his getting to tattoo me. I am standing around nervously, imagining how this could be going wrong, with a worst-case scenario playing out in my head, as they give me my money back and apologize.

Of course, that doesn’t happen. Jessica approaches me, biting her lip and saying, apologetically, “Ami’s not doing any more tattoos, but I’ve set you up with Megan. She’s really good.” I don’t doubt what she’s saying, but the disappointment clearly made itself known on my face.

There’s only a few clients left in the shop. Most of the “background” people have taken off. I observe the goings-on about the shop with keen interest. I always knew that these reality shows relied on orchestration and staging, but I am struck by how much of the show seems staged for the cameras.

In the mean time, Megan is ready for me. She is sweet as sugar and much better looking than Ami, so I start thinking that this might not be so terrible after all. But then, much to my surprise, Megan Massacre makes me a fan for life by going completely outside the box.

I show her the picture of Golden that I brought along for inspiration, and she asks which design I want. I show her the silhouette and she asks if I mind if she tries something a little different, with some color, to make him more like my mom’s rooster. I give her full artistic license and she starts tattooing. I ask for it on my inner right arm and she uncannily picks a spot and orientation that matches my Friday the 13th Anchor tattoo.

I want to be surprised so I don’t watch much. Tommy Montoya and Tim Hendricks swing by to check out Megan’s work. Everyone else is done and people are cleaning up their stations. Tim whistles and exclaims, “Megan, are you trying to show us up?” I consider this a good sign. Tommy makes some crude remarks, “Megan, you’re making his cock bleed.” I laugh and say “Hey, my kids watch this show!” Tommy later proclaims that Megan just might get the award for “Cock of the Day”.

When Megan finishes, I get a good look at her handiwork and I’m stunned. I was expecting a solid tribal rooster and I got this instead:

I am astonished at what she has done with colors to give my rooster a dusty brown and gold appearance. Compare this to the type of rooster others received:

Photo by Roy Chapman
I know for certain, Ami would never have done that for me, and I doubt that Tommy, Tim, or Billy would have done that. I didn’t even ask for it. Megan just went with it and hit it out of the park.

Three days later, on my mother’s birthday, we called her on Skype in Hawaii, and I showed her the Golden tattoo. She was thrilled that their old rooster was immortalized on my flesh.

The show aired on July 21, 2011. I was excited to see a glimpse of me the previous week in the preview at the end of episode 6. Of course, shortly thereafter, the huge controversy surrounding TLC’s one-off Tattoo School blew up on Facebook and it seemed like most of my tattoo artist FB friends had "Boycott TLC" profile pictures. So, I gathered, not that many artists watch the ink-based “reality” shows on TLC, but there were likely fewer watching than normal. Such is life.

When the show aired, the Rooster event was left for the final five minutes of the episode. I pop up in the background quite a bit, and wham! There I am “William” talking about how Ami is going to tattoo my rooster, dedicated to Golden, whose picture I show on camera. But that’s all of me. No blog mention, as I gathered, but I was a little disappointed because, they showed quite a few of the finished rooster tattoos, but they didn’t show Megan’s effort which I think, all personal bias aside, was the finest one of the day.

Thanks to Megan Massacre for giving me a remarkable tattoo when she could have just given me the standard rooster everyone else was getting. I still look at it and marvel at how well she did with such a tiny piece, and I continue to receive compliments on it.

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

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