Thursday, January 12, 2012

Google scholar missing paper issue clarified, though not corrected, but glad Google responded

Below is a thread relating to a reference missing from Google Scholar

Subject: Missing reference in Google Scholar
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 15:12:07 +0000

The following important and highly cited reference is somehow missing from Google Scholar although it was there a few months ago - it would be useful to have it back:

Sequence and analysis of chromosome 2 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana 

Lin X, Kaul S, Rounsley S, Shea TP, Benito MI, Town CD, Fujii CY, Mason T, Bowman CL, Barnstead M, Feldblyum TV, Buell CR, Ketchum KA, Lee J, Ronning CM, Koo HL, Moffat KS, Cronin LA, Shen M, Pai G, Van Aken S, Umayam L, Tallon LJ, Gill JE, Adams MD, Carrera AJ, Creasy TH, Goodman HM, Somerville CR, Copenhaver GP, Preuss D, Nierman WC, White O, Eisen JA, Salzberg SL, Fraser CM, Venter JC.

Nature. 1999 Dec 16;402(6763):761-8.

PMID: 10617197 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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I can't find my paper anymore! My citation count has gone down!
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Two of my papers are listed as one... Some citations aren't counted...
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My concern is not addressed by these answers.  My concern is that I am an author on a paper that is listed in Pubmed and used to be listed on Google Scholar but it has disappeared for some reason.  The citation is below.  It is a reasonably important biology paper and thus it would  be good in general (and good for me) if it could be "rescued" and show up in Google Scholar again.  Thanks

Jonathan Eisen

Hello Jonathan,

In this case the clustering algorithm mis-detected two articles with
similar metadata as being the same article, which you can see at:,5

We're not currently able to perform manual correction on individual
entries in our database since the indexing is done automatically by
robots, but we use examples like this one as we continue to improve the clustering algorithm. Thanks for letting us know about the issue.


The Google Scholar Team