Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekend links!

my favorite song right now. so sweet.

It's Friday night and I'm enjoying a super quiet night in at my parents'.  Everyone is asleep, Hank's watching basketball, and I'm sitting here next to him typing away. It's been a great week and I actually am attributing a lot of it to not eating sugar! Crazy, right? I actually feel so much different- less irritable, moody and overall I just feel like this particular "edge" I sometimes carry around is gone. Feeling good. I will say that tonight there was a particular Trader Joe's dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt bar (so, so delicious) calling my name...but I stayed strong and remembered the reason I'm doing this. It's a reward for my body, not a punishment, and I need to look at it in that light so I can stay motivated when the allure of nighttime treats is so strong.  I got past it though and instead went for a walk with Hank and I'm feeling happy with my choice.

Tomorrow night Hank and I have a fun date night planned and I'm so excited to try out a new restaurant! I'll of course share more about that on Sunday. In the meantime though, here are some links. xoxo


Looking for fitness/healthy living inspiration? Check out one of my favorite blogs.

I am in love with these photos on Erin's blog. Seriously, go look. Alaska is breathtaking.

Katie always manages to infuse magic into the everyday. She's truly an inspiration to me.

Need some topknot inspiration? Chelsea's got you covered. I especially love number two.

DIY confetti shooters! Awesome!

My 1st Vegan Dinner Party. I really enjoyed this post.

I really, really enjoy Jess' blog...Rowan just may be the cutest little girl on the internet! 

One of my wonderful sponsors, Passionfruit, is launching their site soon! Have you signed up?

An interesting article about the politics of sugar.

Loving these frames Jess has created! Best of all, they're free for the taking. 

If you missed "The Other 'F' Word" in theaters, have no fear- you can now watch it via iTunes.

I am absolutely trying this quinoa/sweet potato/black bean burger recipe this week. It looks amazing!

One of my favorite ladies Heidi recently opened a shop on Etsy- check her out!

This post over on Rachel's blog has me wanting to pack up my family and head out on a road trip.

Definitely trying Mandy's homemade exfoliator. Loving this whole week of natural remedies on her blog.

Imagine if your blog got deleted? Panic.

Have you checked out DejaVu yet? Don't forget you can get 30% off with code "sometimessweet"!

Henry needs these baby-lit board books. As the son of a former English teacher, I'd say it's necessary!

Good news for a certain little lady and her adorable family!

Do you read Daily Doily? How about Harper's Happenings? Pop over and say hi!

Healthy lemon-coconut-cheesecake bites. These look really good.

And on the subject of dessert-delicious-ness, how about some baked hot chocolate

Here are a few new-to-me blogs worth checking out- I've been finding some great ones via all of your lovely comments and it's really neat to pop over and see what you guys are all up to! One and two!

And finally, two favorite blogs: a new fave- The Vegan Housewives! And an old fave- Flowerchild Dwelling.

Happy weekend!