Thursday, February 9, 2012

A little update...and a little sugar!


I call this one, "baby-wrangling" or, "I can't get my 15-month old to take a photo. Ever."

It's Thursday afternoon and Henry and I just got back from a long walk around the neighborhood. It's unseasonably warm today so it was nice to take advantage of our lovely fake-spring weather and spend some time at the park. We almost always get a big March snowstorm so I'm not going to get too comfortable in this great weather just yet, even though I want to! This week has just flown by, and I am so excited about this weekend. Like I mentioned a few days ago we have three newly-turned-30 friends to celebrate and Saturday is going to be a busy but fun day attending a few different birthday parties. Can't wait.

Other than that it's been a pretty typical week, if you add in a crazy, teething baby most days. Although there is one notable thing that went on...I decided that because I felt so good, I would eat some dark chocolate (with sea salt, mind you. AKA the best chocolate in the world) so I did. You get that logic? I feel fantastic so I decide to indulge in the one thing I stopped eating, causing me to feel fantastic. Makes total sense, right? ha. But really, it was delicious, and I ate a whole bar and a half. AH! And I totally felt terrible afterward, not because I ate it, but because I hadn't had sugar in so long that it made me feel sick and almost hung-over in a way.  It was really interesting though because it made me realize that I absolute want to keep up with eating this way, and totally validated me doing so. But at the same time, that chocolate was the best chocolate I've ever had (food just tastes so much better these days) and I am going to treat myself when I want it...just not eat a million pounds of it.

So other than my great chocolate indulgence of 2012 life is good. Today is one of my best friend's birthday (love you Suki!), the weather is gorgeous, we got in some exercise and park time, and we're paying a visit to Hank's Grandma tonight. It's a great day and I am looking forward to curling up with a new book tonight. I'm going to choose one from my Amazon recommendations and I'm really excited- I've been looking forward to it all day actually. Oh, my thrilling life! ;)
