Saturday, February 4, 2012

Next up for Science in Congress: HR3433 - the Grant Reform and Transparency Act

Just got pointed to this by Mark Martin. There is a new bill making its way through congress - HR 3433 - the Grant Reform and New Transparency Act of 2011. It has a subtitle apparently of "To amend title 31, United States Code, to provide transparency and require certain standards in the award of Federal grants, and for other purposes."

The full text of the bill and other information is available here.

I personally don't know much about this bill but found some discussion of it here:
I have not formed an opinion of the act but thought I would share the information since it does not seem to be getting much attention but seems like it could have impact.  I note - one group that I respect deeply supports the act: the Sunlight Foundation which involves people like Ester Dyson and Lawrence Lessig.  Any opinions or insight on the bill would be welcome.