Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pieces of Our Weekend

Picnik collage

my wild man tearing across our library // a beautiful sunset from our front porch // Henry's breakfast- he'll eat anything right now and I'm loving it // part one of our bedroom makeover - a new super-cozy all-white bed setup // the face of a boy at Kindermusik class, touching every button on the teacher's CD player as I tell him not to. Of course. ha! // our every-changing mantle // my first night back at the gym, post-food poisoning...I was so excited // an evening walk and a stop at the pond in our neighborhood // early morning comfy, cozy Yo Gabba Gabba in bed


It's been a great weekend and I am so excited about lots of things on the horizon. FOUR of my friends are turning 30 this month (insane right?) but I am really looking forward some great celebrations. I also have some fun dinner ideas to try out and I'm happy to be back in the swing of things. I'm never sick so when I am I feel like it really, really throws me off. Last week was kind of a bust with the whole post-San Francisco illness thing so here's to a healthy week and here's to NOT throwing up. ha.

Oh, and I wanted to write a little about our new bed set up- we originally were going to get the West Elm Cotton Pintuck duvet but then discovered that Target had a remarkably similar one for half the price. We have quite a few WE linens in our home and after seeing both in person I didn't see much difference between Target's version and we went for it. I'm totally happy and my wallet is a lot happier too! I've had a lot of feedback on Twitter and Instagram about the bedspread so if you've been lusting over the gorgeous West Elm duvet, totally check out Target's version. 

I'll be back tomorrow with a Music Monday post and a Clean-Eating Challenge wrap up. Until then! xoxo