Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Notes (from me and mostly others) from the JGI User Meeting #JGIUM7

OK, so the DOE Joint Genome Institute User Meeting is underway. Day 2 just finished. And I have been there for much of it but alas, not in some of the talks since I can't seem to get past the hallway/gathering area outside the talks. There are way way too many people there who I have not talked to or seen in a while ... So ... apologies to those who thought I might be live tweeting the whole meeting ... it just hasn't happened. But I did use the Storify web tool to make a "storification" of posts to twitter from the meeting - most of which were from other people. Here is the story in slideshow format.

I will update the storification tomorrow. If you want to see the full details in a scrolling winder see below