Thursday, April 12, 2012

Literate & Stylish: Diana of Our City Lights


Welcome to a brand new feature here on Sometimes Sweet: Literate & Stylish. The premise is simple, and the post is short but sweet- every Thursday I'll be showcasing a lovely lady and her favorite book. She'll share a few pretty photos of herself and her book of choice, and tell us why she loves it.

I hope this will inspire more reading, and hopefully the discovery of a new favorite blog, book, or both!

Thank you Diana for agreeing to be my L&S lady #1. I couldn't have picked a better first, featured friend. Enjoy!

from Diana, of Our City Lights:

The Glass Castle: A Memoir

This memoir by Jeanette Walls is an unexpected book to ever become a favorite. Walls' writing makes life with an alcoholic family seem quirky, fun and adventurous, and growing up in an alcoholic family myself, I never saw any of these things. Just like Walls', instead of bitterness and anger, the gifts of gratitude, humor and forgiveness have taken over my life. Everything she tells about from her dysfunctional relationship with reality to the death of her father have all hit home for me. I don't think I've ever laughed and cried so hard in a book; sometimes reading another's story makes us realize what we ourselves have overcome and appreciate the family we have. What I love most about this book is the forgiveness she has not just for her family, but for her life. And that's what I believe makes her a great storyteller.