Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Weekend, on a Monday

Yesterday was about all things Easter, but the rest of the weekend was pretty awesome too. I know this is going to come across as sounding really silly...but once this time of the year rolls around I start to feel so ALIVE. Like "Sound of Music" singing in the hills alive. Not even kidding. I react a bit to seasonal changes, so as soon as it warms up and we're able to spend more time outdoors I always feel happier. Pair that with being sick for a couple of weeks and now feeling better, and then my wisdom teeth being done and over with, I'm positively giddy about just enjoying every day.


My weekend started early this week and on Thursday night Adie and I went and saw Titanic in 3D. It was magnificent. Really and truly. I'm already so in love with Leo and Kate, but to see them together once more on the big screen, and to experience one of my favorite movies in 3D was way too awesome. There were a lot of teenagers in there and Adie and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the first time they'd ever seen it, and if they thought it was beautiful or cheesy. I was so tempted to stop a group and ask them, but didn't want to be a weird stranger over-enthusiastically asking questions so I held back. ;)

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Friday morning Henry and I met two friends and their little ones for a downtown stroll. It was such a good time and so nice to spend the morning chit chatting while getting in some exercise too! Afterward Adie came over and we hung out all day, and later that night we all met the Peters' family who was in town for the evening and had our usual Mexican food fest at Hugo's. After dinner I rolled our overly-full selves home, put Henry to sleep, and went to bed early myself while Hank went out for a wild night with his friends! It's funny to me because although he doesn't drink, his friends do, so he always has the best stories and memories from their nights out. It was our friend Dustin's 29th and as usual, craziness ensued, and I had a good time hearing all the details the next day.


Saturday morning I got up and met my friend for a 90 minute hot yoga class at a local studio I hadn't tried yet and ended up LOVING it. It's exactly what I was hoping to find, and I was really, really surprised. Later on I got to have a little afternoon date with Hank thanks to my in-laws. We finally saw The Hunger Games (see my excited pre-movie photo below), and we both ended up really, really loving it. I've read all the books but Hank had no idea what it was even about, and we both said "wow" at the end and truly enjoyed it. I thought it was so well-done and I am anxiously awaiting the next one. The rest of the day was spent running errands- Target and Trader Joe's- and it was another early night!


This weekend was just what I needed to snap me out of this weird mood I've been carrying around with me. I'd call it a funk but it was a bit deeper than that, so I am extra grateful I was able to spend time with so many people I love. That's always the thing that helps me the most when I feel down- I have to get out of the little box I'm in and remember that there's a whole world out there, a bigger picture, so many more important things to focus on.  I hope you had a great weekend too! And if you didn't, luckily there's another one right around the corner. <3