Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tattoo Tuesday V.117

Name and blog name: My name is Sarah, and my blog is thetattooedthrifter.blogspot.com…..maybe this will get me to blog consistently!

Age: 22

Occupation: Barista and Esthetician

Age of first tattoo: 18

Favorite tattoo: They’re all my babies, I can’t pick just one!

Featured tattoo/location: I’ll go with my most recent piece, my tribute to The Smiths on my left inner forearm.

Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Done by the amazing Zack Spurlock at Anonymous Tattoo in Savannah, GA.

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story or special meaning? 

The Smiths have been my favorite band for what seems like forever, and I’ve wanted to get a tattoo incorporating the lyric “My Faith in Love is Still Devout” from the song Rusholme Ruffians, my favorite song by The Smiths. I still wanted the tattoo to have a colorful and traditional vibe to it so I got the script around a heart lock and key. Although it’s not 100% completed, I’d say it’s a pretty killer piece and I love it!

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?

Yes! I have several other tattoos. My half sleeve on my right forearm incorporates three Matryoshka dolls (lovingly named Gerta, Helga, and Olga by my tattoo artist), a butterfly with a diamond center, and flowers. My right forearm has a rose and the above-mentioned Smiths tattoo. I have a gypsy woman’s head on my back, a pink bow on my right middle finger, a tulip behind my left ear and a heart behind my right ear.

3) Do you plan on getting more?

Of course! I have had an obsession with tattoos since childhood and got one the second I turned 18. I’m constantly planning on what I’m going to get next, and if money was no object I would probably have several more. But only getting a few each year makes it feel more like an event so there are benefits to being broke!

3) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?

My parents were none too thrilled when I came home with my first tattoo (my dad called me a biker chick in training, it wasn’t meant as a compliment), but they’ve gotten to the point where they don’t really put up a fuss when I come home with them. My mom actually thinks they’re pretty, she just wishes they weren’t on me. My friends love my tattoos and have nothing but positive things to say about them. I without a doubt have the most artwork out of all of them! I can’t say that I’ve run into too much adversity or negativity. I don’t make any effort to hide them and I have no problem explaining to people what they are and why I get them. I’ve had a few rude comments from older people about how I’m so pretty except for my tattoos/I’ve ruined my body forever, and one guy who comes into my work always offers to pay for me to get them lasered off. It takes a lot to insult me and I fully believe that people have the right to their own opinion so I don’t let it bother me much. Most people are just curious, and for the most part I get a lot of compliments about how beautiful and creative my tattoos are. My old lady customers LOVE my Matryoshka dolls! I’ve actually received a few of them as gifts because people remember me by those tattoos.

As far as a significant other, I’m currently single! But I have dated people with and without tattoos and it doesn’t really make much of a difference to me. I do find tattoos VERY attractive; they enhance everything about a person in my book!

4) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

If you are ready to take the plunge, do it! You only have one body and one lifetime, so why not have some fun? Tattoos are a beautiful form of self expression, and it is amazing to look down at a piece of art that you know you’ll have forever. The one bit of advice that I do tell everyone is that you really need to pick an artist who fits your vision. Look at portfolios, go to the shop and talk to the different artists. You want your tattoo to look amazing, and a good artist will help you design the perfect piece. Tattooing is an experience, enjoy it!