Sunday, April 8, 2012

Weekend Links & a few Easter photos from last year

the little Easter bunny
Easter last year! Henry was just about 5 months old. 

Happy almost-Easter! Before things get insanely busy tomorrow, I thought I would pop in and share some links and photos from last year. Enjoy, and I'll be back with a weekend update and an Easter post, too! Have a great Sunday.


If you click one link on this list, make it this one: 30 Practical Tips About the Horrors of Raising a Baby. Too, too funny.

Homemade Goldfish crackers for little ones!

And speaking of kiddos, here's a list of 75 ways to entertain your toddler.

This notebook makes ME happy.

Skinny Chicken Broccoli Alfredo. Skinny and Alfredo never seem to be one in the same, but this looks amazing! Thank you to Jen for introducing me to this blog, which is quickly becoming a new favorite.

What Should I Read Next?

This Quinoa Sushi looks amazing. What a great idea.

Check out two of my lovely sponsors' Etsy shops- Acanthus Apparel and Meadow Creek.

The 20 best apps for kids! Awesome.

I've always loved the idea of a Sip and See.

I read posts like this one and I get so, so excited for the day H. can communicate even more.

I love when Emily blogs. And speaking of friends blogging, Jess is back at it. Yay!

6 Powerful Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever. Quite the claim...but worth a read!

I loved reading Diana's "Currently" post. And Katie's, too! ...and Rochelle's. I could go on! ;)

Baked Lime Pudding Cake. OH MY!

A little Instagram cheat sheet. Pretty awesome tips for anyone who is new to the app.

Isn't this monogram necklace neat?

Rebecca's blog is just gorgeous- I'm loving all of her photos!

This is a super interesting read about highly paid nannies in NYC- The Best Nanny Money Can Buy.

Rachel posted about the coolest iPhone case I've ever seen: Instagram + case in one!

Love this bang-braid how-to on Emily's blog. 

And finally, pop by one of my favorite sites and say hello!