Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday links, on a Monday!

heading home after a long walk at 5:30am with my mama.
Henry loves being outside. The sunrise on the golf course is so beautiful.

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new week!  I'm so happy about today because Hank is officially home from his business trip, and we officially have our weekends back.  For the past few months he has has class all day on Saturdays, and it's been kind of a bummer. Now though, I have my hubby back and I can't wait to get into taking fun summer weekend and day trips. On a not so happy husband note, this week Hank also gets his wisdom teeth out. I think I am more scared than he is. I have a very weird thing about mouths, teeth pulling, whatever. The thought of them taking teeth out of his mouth makes me shudder, so let's hope I can keep it together. I sound like a total baby, but in this instance I definitely am!

I had these links ready last week but with the huge Blogger meltdown my posts were a bit messed up. I'm still missing comments, but at least my posts are back to normal.  With that being said, did you catch all of the posts late last week and into the weekend?  I talked about one of my favorite apps, Postagram, I had a fun night out with girlfriends, I enjoyed brunch with friends, and spent a delicious afternoon at Joe's Farm Grill.

And now, here are some links outside of this blog to make you smile!

I tweeted about this last week, but I am so loving Angela's visual documentation of her meals. Super inspiring (and pretty, too!).

Here's a yummy looking version of one of my favorite treats from Trader Joe's.

I've always liked this band but had never heard this cover...until now. Thanks, Katie!

Peony season in Paris. Enough said.

This print is so beautiful, and I think it's a great reminder, too.

Oh, Chelsea. I love this girl in all of her fashionable wonderful-ness. This post is no exception.

Curious about vegan cheese alternatives? Check this post out.

The lovely Carly featured me on her blog last week- head on over to hear me talk about being a SAHM.

"Sharing Love, One Dress at a Time." This post is absolutely worth your time, take a look!

These inspired by Anthropologie photos inspired me!

Diana's photos from her time in Rome have been making me swoon. And these in particular are making me hungry!

This movie looks incredibly strange, but I'm incredibly intrigued!

Here's a great craft and sewing tutorial roundup!

Okay so this video? Too, too cute. An 8 year old and his banjo.

I loved Ashley's top 5 things she learned in college!

And finally, here are some blogs I'm especially loving lately: one, two and three!

Happy Monday!