Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thursday and Friday, on a Saturday!

May 12, 2011

heading out to meet Andrea for breakfast, loving my new Petunia Picklebottom bag. It's the perfect bag for summer.

May 12, 2011

Hank has been on a business trip all week, so I took advantage of having a few days to myself in a row, and Henry and I came down to Phoenix to see friends and spend time with some girls I haven't been able to see a lot of lately.  Thursday morning I went and met an old and dear friend for breakfast in downtown Phoenix. Andrea has been in my life for a long, long time, and was close friends with Hank years before I even met him!  We have seen each other through a lot of ups and downs and life, and been friends for about ten years now. Over the past couple years as life changed the most, we drifted apart a bit, but over the past month we've been back and touch. Thursday morning was the first time we'd hung out in so long outside of mutual friends' weddings or events, and it was just the best time. It was as if no time had passed and we spent a few hours talking and laughing, and walking around downtown Phoenix. I adore Andrea and all of her positivity; she's truly a burst of sunshine, and I'm beyond ecstatic that we are back to talking, texting and hanging out. I've missed her!  That morning we enjoyed veggie breakfast burritos at the Phoenix Public Market (click the link to read more about their support of local farmers and business), I had a delicious jasmine iced tea and Andrea had coffee, and then we went over and visited the adorable Ashley at the GROWop.  On a side note, have you ever been to the GROWop or checked it out? It's the cutest store, full of handmade and vintage items inside, and a million plants, fruits and vegetable gardens on the outside. Really cool. I had sleeping Henry with us of course, but if I would have had more time I would have loved to try on some of the super rad vintage dresses and tops. Next time, for sure!  So we hung out with Ashley for a bit (be sure to pop by her blog for tons of handmade goodness and crafty creativity), then headed out.

May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011
Andrea and Henry
May 12, 2011
inside the GROW-op

May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

Henry and I headed over to Autumn's house, and Shirley popped over on her lunch break from work so we could all have lunch together. Autumn made us her famous Strawberry Balsamic salad and a tartlette from Trader Joe's, and we caught up for a bit while the babies played. It was so good to spend the afternoon with two of my favorite girls and best friends. Shirley is getting married in the fall, so I'm looking forward to dress shopping and all of the wedding fun to come!

All in all it was the best day. Delicious food, good conversation, reconnecting with an old friend, and spending time with two of my oldest. Happy bellies and happy hearts!  Later that night I worked out with my sister's personal trainer so I got to end the day on a fantastic note too. But let's not talk about how sore I STILL am today, two days later. It's a good kind of sore though, and I feel really inspired to take my workouts up a notch and finally lose these last pounds. Thanks again Lauren!

May 12, 2011
May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

lunch at Autumn's

Friday was another fantastic day.  I hadn't seen my friend Zoe (visit her Tumblr here- seriously one of my faves!) since she came up for my baby shower in the fall, so we were way overdue for a catch-up date, and for her to meet Henry!  She suggested that we go to La Grande Orange in Phoenix, and since I've been wanting to try it forever, I was really excited. We got there and ordered at the counter- I got egg whites and fruit, and Zoe got the most delicious looking pastry, and we sat in the main dining room to eat and chit chat. Henry was in a screaming mood (happy screaming, but screaming none the less), so after awhile we moved back into the market area so H. could look around. We checked out all of the adorable items they had for sale, from toys to cards to candy, and I promised myself I'd be back soon to try one of the delectable looking sweets in the case. Tammie Coe cupcakes anyone?  After breakfast we ended up talking in the car forever. Of course. haha. It was such a fun morning. 







After breakfast I went over to visit my friend Emily and meet her new son Maxon. He's about 3 weeks old, and in the excitement of seeing the Barnas I forgot to snap any photos, but next time for sure. It was so refreshing spending time with Em though- I admire her so much as a mother, and I feel lucky to call her a friend. Shirley is actually marrying her husband's brother, so pretty soon it will be all in the family! Very excited. 

After our fun day Henry and I hightailed it over to the mall so I could find a dress for our girl's night last night and then headed home so we could squeeze in a nap! More on our girl's night tonight.

I hope all of you had the best beginning to your weekend! Today is a family day for us, so my parents' and I are headed over to Green for lunch in a bit. Have a great day!