Sunday, July 10, 2011

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

I love my girlfriends so much. I really couldn't imagine life without them, and the busier everyone gets, the more special it is when we can plan a night out together. I'm lucky enough to live in the same place as one of my dearest gal pals Adie, and twice a year another one of my nearest and dearest comes home to visit too. I always soak up the time that Amber's here, and it wouldn't be a visit without at least one good girls' night out. Last night was that for us, and our friend Erin came up from the valley for the evening too, to celebrate Amber's last weekend night in town before she heads back to Austin, Texas, where she goes to college.

We started the night out at my house (fresh watermelon margaritas a la Adie and beyond-delicious Bill's pizza) and played the Michael Jackson game on Wii (so, so fun), then headed downtown for some dancing. I rarely drink (literally a couple times a year) so when I do decide to indulge and have a drink or two it's always really fun...and really cheap! ha. One drink and I'm done. We spent the evening dancing to ridiculously awesome/terrible music at various bars, laughing so much, and as the night progressed, we just got sillier and sillier as expected. It was just what I needed, and I woke up with Henry this morning around 6:30 feeling so renewed and happy. Yes, renewed and happy after four hours of sleep- that's how much fun I had.

Now Hank and I are in bed on our computers, Henry's taking his morning nap, and we're waiting for everyone to wake up so we can go to brunch. Today's going to be a busy day- I'm looking forward to a hard workout this afternoon and then we're having my in-laws over for dinner. It's homemade pizza night!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Saturday night. Here are some photos from mine -

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

the tired "babysitter" ;)
Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night
practicing our obviously amazing Thriller dance moves ;) (best Wii game ever!)

and a couple from my phone -
Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night

Girls' Night