Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Henry: 9 months


I waited until today to do Henry's 9 month update because we had his belated appointment today, two weeks late!  So technically the little guy is half past his 9 month celebration, and on the 22nd he will hit 10 months.

Henry's stats:

18 lbs., 15 oz
29.5 inches long


This month has been the craziest so far in regards to emerging personality and change.  Henry is truly coming into his own, and it's pretty amazing to watch him take shape into the little boy he's going to be. I can't get enough of our dude and I feel like every single day he does something new. It's seriously astonishing to watch him grow and develop, and I'm always so excited to see what he's going to do next.




Henry is still the best sleeper, and has been sleeping even more- about 12 to 13 hours a night. He goes to sleep at 6pm, and wakes up anywhere between 6am and 7:30.  Most of the time it's right around 6:30am.  He's still taking two naps a day.

As far as food, he eats three solid meals a day and breastfeeds about 4-5 times. He loves all food, and he's eaten everything from beans to rice, to organic cheese and veggies, organic yogurt, tofu, you name it. Henry's also getting the hang of feeding himself with his hands, and everyday he gets a little better.  He practices with the Happy Bellies organic puffs and I think those little treats have helped a lot with his hand eye coordination as far as feeding himself.

He isn't walking on his own yet, but cruises and walks along furniture and in his walker. He will also stand on his own, unsupported, for up to about ten seconds.


This month Henry:

loves music so much and will "sing" along in the car
is all smiles, all the time
would stay in the bath all night if I let him
still sucks his thumb- but only when he's tired
is very ticklish - especially the front of his chest, thighs, and under his arms!
says "mama" all the time
is learning new sounds and testing them out
is fascinated by ceiling fans and lights
is starting point at things
loves to yell and scream
is the fastest crawler ever
wants to be standing all of the time
sits in the front of the shopping cart
loves books and will bring them over to us so we can read them to him- his current favorite is The Very Hungry Caterpillar
blows raspberries and makes noises with his mouth
waves hello and goodbye
still has no teeth but the top two should break through any day!
makes it VERY hard to take these monthly photos laying down- next baby I'm doing them in a chair ;)


It's really just so hard to believe that he will be one year old so soon! I've started planning his party and that it's itself blows my mind everyday. Man oh man. Happy 9 months Henry, we love you so much!

Henry bathtime

Henry bathtime