Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My science communication hero/heroine of the month - Dr. Kiki @drkiki

Been working on revising my lab's web site and was looking for some videos of talks I have given online to post there.  And I discovered/rediscovered this video of an interview I did for Dr. Kiki's Science Hour.  Here it is:


Now I know - this is over a year old. But I just watched the full video. Not so bad I think.

As many of you know, I like to talk.  And talk.  And talk.  But I would like to say that as an interviewer, Dr. Kiki is pretty frigging awesome.  Don't know how she does it.  But I am going to post this video on the new lab page and point people to it if they want to know what my lab does and what I am interested in.

But enough about me.  I want to thank Dr. Kiki for this great interview by saying a little bit about her.  Or, well, her work in science communication.

As some of you may know, I listen to podcasts of TWIS - This Week in Science frequently on my bike rides to work.  And I really recommend anyone/everyone out there give it a whirl.  It is sort of like Science Friday but it is a bit edgier, a bit funnier, a bit goofier, and a bit sciencier (is that a word?)  Dr. Kiki and Justin on it are great and it is so good that I frequently sit outside my building listening to the end of a show if I take the short ride to work which is less than an hour.  So if you like Science - you really should check out the TWIS web site and find some way to listen such as what I do by subscribing to their podcasts at iTunes.

And I guess now I will be checking out "Dr. Kiki's Science Hour" more after rewatching this video.  There are many many more shows at  I have not checked out as many as TWIS shows but the ones I have watched are great.

And if you want to follow her more directly check out her Blog: The Bird's Brain, or her twitter feed  (@drkiki)  or her  Google+ feed.

Very proud that she is a UC Davis alum ... and just want to say thanks to her for giving me a video I can share with others that says more about me and my lab than almost anything I have written.