Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tattoo Tuesday V.86

*I wanted to leave a quick little note about today's Tattoo Tuesday- Heidi (the featured fellow's gf) is a long time friend of mine and one of my Tattoo Tuesday girls way back when (see her post here). When she mentioned that Chad would contribute too, I was ecstatic, and I think you guys will really enjoy his feature- be sure to check out Heidi's too!


Name / website: Chad Crawford / www.facebook.com/chadlanecrawfordmusic
Age:  26
Occupation: Musician / Former Guitarist of Scary Kids Scaring Kids 
Age of first tattoo: 19
Favorite tattoo: Stoney Smokin’ Lizard
Featured tattoo/location: Two Snakes wrapped around a lit torch on the inside of my forearm. 
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Brett Osborne from Houston, Texas. Location of the tattoo was actually in Hollywood at a tattoo shop he was doing a guest spot for.  This took roughly a 7 hour session to finish the tattoo.

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?
Well my entire right arm is a concept of Adam and Eve and the Origin of Sin.  I grew up a Christian. Although I don’t go to church as much as I’d like and might not live the perfect Christian life, it doesn’t mean that I still don’t believe. I think at first glance the pieces could be perceived as a little “sinister” or “dark” but is far from this.

2) Do you have any other tattoos?  If so, what do you have and where?

Well to the left of the snakes and the torch there is a rotten apple that has been bitten into and a “mist” (sin) leaking out. Above that is a skeleton angel with a broken halo and pink and blue light rays shining from the break.

I have the lower half of my left arm done. Artist is Chrissy Summers who now resides in California, previously here in AZ. I have a skull with some orchid flowers around it and on the inside I have a girl holding an injured bird and an anatomical heart with a keyhole on my wrist with the shape of a key in negative space.

I have a tree that is going up the side of my body, the trunk of the tree by my right hip with the branches reaching out onto my chest. On my stomach I have a bat with its wings spread out wide, all in which were done by Brett Osbourne.

On my right ankle I have my “Stoney Lizard”, a purple lizard that has cashed red eyes and blowing out smoke. Above that is a skull with a mustache wearing a sombrero. On my calf is my very first tattoo that I got, which is a geisha girl with a snake wrapping around her gazing into her eyes with a big knife going thru the back of her head. This is probably the most “violent” tattoo out of them all.

On my left leg I have the start of a leg sleeve. Its going to be a Final Fantasy concept. I am indefinitely a videogame nerd. At this stage of the leg sleeve I have around my ankle a Moogle riding a Chocobo with 2 more Chocobos running along side it, behind that is a Tonberry. I plan to color all of this and is being done by Michael Blackstone from San Diego.

3) Do you plan on getting more?

 I have a lot of my body already planned out. I want both arms and legs and my torso done. Not too sure about tattooing my back or neck. I guess we will see in the future of my tattoos.

My newest addition is the crazy lookin’ dude wearing a gas mask on my upper thigh. The artist I got that done by is Darren Yeisley, who no longer lives in Arizona and is the person who worked on my ladies arm as well. (find him on facebook!)

I have my Final Fantasy leg sleeve worked out. Up on the top of my leg I’m getting Bahamut being attacked by airships and meteors falling from the sky.

Underneath my Stoney Lizard on my right foot I’m going to get a few baby lizards that cracked out of their shell and have smoke seeping out from inside the shells.

Those are all my ideas that I have for the moment. But I’m always non-stop thinking of what else to get.

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)?  Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos? 
My family doesn’t necessarily LOVE my tattoos but they know that it is a part of me and my lifestyle and are so accepting. They do love the quality and imagery overall but still don’t completely understand. My older brother has a few tattoos, as my younger brother has 1” ½  guages and sees tattoos in his future. For my mom’s birthday I surprised her with a trip to get her first tattoo. Her tattoo is no bigger than a size of a quarter and let’s just say a few tears were shed that day. She says she cannot believe that I “put myself through so much pain”, but she is even talking about getting more. You can say we are a bit of a toned down version of the “Osbournes”.  

Most of my friends have tattoos. My long-time girlfriend Heidi (who in which was also featured in one of your previous Tattoo Tuesday posts) has one of the most amazing sleeves I’ve seen, & I don’t believe I’m being too bias on that. We sit down and brainstorm a lot about what our next tattoo should be. It’s fun being able to feed off of each other’s ideas. I have so many people especially when we are together, approaching us about our tattoos, and they want to share theirs with us as well. 

Pretty much everyone I’m surrounded by have tattoos, especially working with a lot of folks in the music industry. It is now becoming more of a common thing with everyone so there isn’t as much negativity towards people with tattoos. I try to surround myself in an atmosphere that feels accepting and creatively driven. People who have tattoos that exude quality, creativity & originality I can’t help but to hold a bit higher. I think a lot of people do this. It takes a lot of time and effort to research great artists & flow with them to make your tattoo idea come to life.

I also think it’s important for you to know when and where it’s appropriate to have your tattoos out. I know it is an expression of yourself but the fact is people still judge & stare and can make pretty off assumptions about your character without even listening to what you’re all about.

5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

Yeh. Don’t just go to any tattoo artist. Don’t worry about how much it will be or how long his/her wait is for you to get it. Your friend might do it for you for free. But it’s going to look like a free tattoo.