Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What happens in Vegas...

...stays in Vegas, right? I kind of feel that way because I don't really even know how to begin summarizing this past weekend, but I'll try my best! It was so, so much fun. Friday Anita drove up from Phoenix and picked me up, and we drove the three and a half hours to Vegas. The drive was quick and I don't think we even had a pause in our conversation. It's funny because Anita and I have been acquaintances for almost a decade- we go all the way back to livejournal days. It's only been in the last year or so that we've actually been hanging out...about time! ;) So yes, we had a great trip up there, and when we arrived we were greeted by Brittney, Vanessa and Andy. Interestingly enough outside of Anita and me, this entire trip was all based off knowing each other online. Brittney and I met from blogging years back, Vanessa and I the same, and Anita and I met Andy on Instagram. However, we all know people and have mutual friends from "real life" too...talk about a small world. All of us ended up walking across the street to Fashion Show Mall to shop for a bit, then we came back to the hotel and got ready for the evening. We ended up eating dinner at Holstein's. I got the vegan burger and it was really delicious but fell apart a little too easily. But besides that pretty great. Afterward we headed over to the Marquee in the Cosmopolitan, but not before admiring the Chandelier Bar, pictured below. I pretty much fell in love with that place. We stayed at the Marquee for a bit, but then decided to get a little crazy and venture off the strip to a local dive bar (via a cab with a driver that sounded EXACTLY like Larry's bff Jeff from Curb Your Enthusiasm), and afterward found ourselves dancing until 3:30am at Piranha, a gay club across the way. To say the night was insane was an understatement. My calves are still sore today from the 3-4 hours of non stop dancing. It was really one of my most favorite nights out I've ever had, and I'm still smiling about it today.

The next day we slept in for awhile, then headed to lunch and ended up shopping well into the evening. Saturday night we found ourselves at TAO, but for a short time. I think at that point we were all sick of being hassled about our tattoos (drunk people + a group of heavily tattooed girls is a recipe for annoyance on our part), so we ended up going back to the hotel and hanging out for the rest of the night. I slept in Brittney and Vanessa's room the first night, and then Anita and Andy's the second, and that night the three of us ended up talking until 5am! I kept thinking that I should probably try and get some sleep, but it was just way too much fun staying up like we were 12-year olds at a sleepover.

The next morning the other girls headed to the airport, and Anita and I eventually headed home. I can't even explain how amazing it is to see my sweet Henry after being away from him for a couple of days. I swear he was bigger and he was definitely making some new little noises. I sure love having fun with my friends, but nothing beats coming home to my boys.

Here are just a few photos from our trip. I'll tuck the rest away into a "what happens in Vegas..." folder on my computer, and look at them from time to time when I need a laugh. ;)

photo 5
photo 2
