Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Town Hall #2 - Chancellor Katehi meets w/ Faculty/Staff; Katehi receives much support

Quick post regarding the Town Hall meeting at UC Davis between the administration and faculty and staff.  I am going to tell it through pictures and twitter posts (mostly mine, with a few responses).  Will really try to write up a more essayish post ASAP.  I tried to match pictures to comments but some may be mismatched - please forgive me.  

If you want the punch line - it is pretty simple - lots and lots of support for Chancellor Katehi from faculty at staff with a few dissenting points of view.  Very few argued for the need for resignation (I think Nathan Brown was the only one but I may be wrong - Josh Clover and possibly others may have also said something along these lines).  And most said something positive about Katehi although most of the positive things were about how good a Chancellor people think she has been not about her handling of this incident and its aftermath.  Anyway - here are some pics and tweets ... Also note I tried to record a few videos here and there and for some reason the only two that came out well were of two of the biggest critics of Katehi - Clover and Brown.  I am including those vids though if you only look at the vids you will get a mistaken impression regarding the amount of criticism vs. support for Katehi. 

Once again - banners are not allowed.  WTF?
The Tree of Life: Faculty and staff arriving for Town Hall meeting with Chamcellor http://t.co/1cjHtgML
11/29/11 4:09 PM

@phylogenomics Why is the sign partially covered?
11/29/11 4:34 PM

People getting lottery numbers to speak

Gratuitous extra picture

Chancellor Katehi is now giving an opening mini statement to Town Hall #OccuppyUCDavis http://t.co/011ZM0IC
11/29/11 4:11 PM

Katehi is saying that this has been a very very difficult 10 days #ucdavis
11/29/11 4:12 PM

Katehi also says there has been a lot of misinformation out there #ucdavis #OccuppyUCDavis http://t.co/plbmT3jN
11/29/11 4:14 PM

@phylogenomics For Katehi to decry "misinformation" when she's been its biggest purveyor with regard to #OccupyUCDavis is rich. #OWS
11/29/11 6:31 PM

@phylogenomics Katehi has persisted in making insinuations about "outside elements" + health/safety @OccupyUCDavis that are all untrue. #OWS
11/29/11 6:33 PM

Katehi says people responsible will be punished & that due process is needed & that there should not be a rush to judgement #OccuppyUCDavis
11/29/11 4:17 PM

Katehi says she feels fully responsible for everything that happens on campus ( though I note - not sure what this means) #OccuppyUCDavis
11/29/11 4:18 PM

Katehi says what happened at #UCDavis underscores much larger issues #OccuppyUCDavis
11/29/11 4:21 PM

Front of hall here very empty-not sure if that is due to the silly "reserved" sign or some statement #OccuppyUCDavis http://t.co/EN0UYeK7
11/29/11 4:25 PM

@phylogenomics so many empty seats.
11/29/11 5:12 PM

Katehi: 5 ideas for response 1. More faculty interactions w/ admin 2. Conflict resolution council 3. Outreach to parents #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:27 PM

Katehi continued 4. Alumni outreach 5. Police outreach - notes this is just a beginning #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:28 PM

@phylogenomics it doesn't sound like any of those ideas address increased tuition, institutional violence, or taking responsibility?
11/29/11 5:30 PM

Provost says he is regularly bowled over by the greatness of this university and none of these are changed by this incident #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:30 PM

Provost Hexter says nobody is a stronger advocate for #ucdavis than Chancellor Katehi #occupyucdavis http://t.co/6DKXBeL8
11/29/11 4:31 PM

Provost and Chancellor both say they are limited due to investigations in providing certain details publicly about events #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:33 PM

@phylogenomics That. Is. Bull. Shit.
11/29/11 4:34 PM

Student drawing numbers from a bin to determine who makes comments #occupyucdavis http://t.co/0U0Gnymd
11/29/11 4:35 PM

Prof Nina Amenta in support of Katehi - says she does not want this to turn into a circular firing squad http://t.co/KTvLlbsI
11/29/11 4:37 PM

Speaker says he is glad to see administration re-engaged - also says he wants to know where $$ is going http://t.co/h9mfcc5O
11/29/11 4:38 PM

Speaker says we should think about salaries and other expenses in terms of cost to students #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:39 PM

Speaker also asks for more detail about the instructions Katehi gave to police - she says she cannot comment about it #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:40 PM

Sketchy... RT @phylogenomics Speaker asks for details about the instructions Katehi gave to police - says she can'tcomment #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:42 PM

@phylogenomics how convenient... Thanks for covering this
11/29/11 4:44 PM

Nathan Brown has just spoken and critiqued Katehi but went over the time limit and was cutoff - crowd did not support him #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:48 PM

@phylogenomics Was he actively booed or just not cheered?
11/29/11 4:49 PM

Note - I do not agree with many things Nathan Brown said but I wish he had been allowed to finish #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:52 PM

@jrblough booed and people tried to clap him off stage
11/29/11 4:53 PM

@jrblough But pretty gently
11/29/11 4:55 PM

@phylogenomics Interesting. Thanks.
11/29/11 4:54 PM
Speaker calls Nathan Brown irresponsible for calling for disbanding of police #occupyucdavis http://t.co/R1UmKOoc
11/29/11 4:53 PM

Speaker says rather than focusing on blaming should focus on what to do for students #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:55 PM

Brown interrupted speaker when he said Davis Faculty association called for end of police; Brown said THEY did not but HE did #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 4:57 PM

Multiple speakers express support for Katehi #occupyucdavis http://t.co/ssbqDWwo
11/29/11 4:58 PM

Speaker asks about how Katehi is going to be transparent in decisions & asks her to not be evasive #occupyucdavis http://t.co/Ek8Uh4gU
11/29/11 5:00 PM

Katehi says she needs to spend more time with students To discuss issues and she needs to earn trust #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:01 PM

She's certainly prone to understatement. RT: @phylogenomics Katehi says she needs to spend more time with students...earn trust.
11/29/11 5:17 PM

Josh Clover cut in line and asked about police presence on campus and got into a mini debate about this issue #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:08 PM

Clover suggested the police make students unsafe; Katehi says we need police and mentions V Tech; Clover says that is false fear mongering
11/29/11 5:09 PM

Bob Ostertag : the first responses by Katehi was disaster & suggests UC admin angered students by that #occupyucdavis http://t.co/k59rQpNT
11/29/11 5:11 PM

Ostertag says initial response by Katehi severely damaged university #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:13 PM

This seems the crux of the issue. -> RT: @phylogenomics Ostertag says initial response by Katehi severely damaged university.
11/29/11 5:20 PM

Ostertag also says not all students know medical bills will be paid #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:14 PM

Speaker who has been here for 40 years & whose father was here says cannot use "danger" to justify what happens http://t.co/wNg4PDMl
11/29/11 5:16 PM

Speaker says the university needs to support the message of the students - need to raise taxes on rich #occupyucdavis http://t.co/gHIos0xY
11/29/11 5:18 PM

Speaker says the privatization of the university is unacceptable and that he administration needs to fight this #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:20 PM

Speaker says camping on quad is nothing compared to "picnic day" here- should never have been an issue #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:21 PM

Speaker says real leadership will involve actual acting on behalf of students #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:22 PM

Prof. Epstein class of UC Davis 1940 expresses support for Katehi and says real issue is funds #occupyucdavis http://t.co/d2SgIkNz
11/29/11 5:24 PM

Next speaker says Katehi is not responsible for California budget issues and that what is needed is to change prop13 #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:26 PM

Speaker: claim that "safety" & "health" excuse to remove students was more like middle East actions #occupyucdavis http://t.co/2a5xXLyt
11/29/11 5:28 PM

Speaker asks if we can get a statistical sample of faculty to see what they feel #occupyucdavis http://t.co/KyJWdBgd
11/29/11 5:30 PM

Speaker: he got 100+ faculty to sign letter of support for Katehi and that this is more than those calling for resignation #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:31 PM

@phylogenomics btw he is incorrect...
11/29/11 5:32 PM

@the_eco_thought just trying to report quickly - will comment later
11/29/11 5:33 PM

Speaker then asks how Katehi and police will deal with those who dissent and want her out #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:33 PM

Katehi says "it will not be an easy discussion with the English department" #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:34 PM

RT @phylogenomics "Katehi says "it will not be an easy discussion with the English department" #occupyucdavis" Best thing I've ever heard.
11/29/11 6:24 PM

Police Captain says he is opening doors to try and listen as learn to make campus as safe as possible #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:35 PM

Speaker from Engineering says he is impressed with undergraduate education at #UCDavis reads letter from student http://t.co/VIEIOHWd
11/29/11 5:37 PM

Letter from student being read- student was impressed that Katehi has been cutting admin not student $$ #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:38 PM

fyi, @phylogenomics is live-tweeting the town hall w/ Chancellor Katehi over #occupydavis. Interesting mix of opinions being voiced.
11/29/11 5:38 PM

Speaker invites those making more than $80k on campus to take a pay cut #occupyucdavis http://t.co/MAQE0sR0
11/29/11 5:40 PM

Speaker says she knows that taking pay cuts will not solve budget but will be a message to kids #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:41 PM

Speaker says not to forget inverse correlation between education funding and militarization of police #occupyucdavis http://t.co/cnaBFyGU
11/29/11 5:42 PM

Speaker says university values are messed up with Capt Pike getting 100k while humanities profs get much less http://t.co/N2lu6bkR
11/29/11 5:43 PM

Speaker asks if Katehi supports appointment of Bratton to head review - Katehi says she trusts Yudof to do right thing #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:44 PM

Katehi says five investigations should reveal truth #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 5:45 PM

And the town hall is over #occupyucdavis http://t.co/OkwvVXFg
11/29/11 5:46 PM

From @phylogenomics summary of Chancellor's townhall, sounds like many faculty still back Katehi - English & Physics excepted #OccupyUCDavis
11/29/11 5:56 PM

@KatehivilleNews yes - definitely lots of support for Katehi at meeting
11/29/11 5:59 PM

Summary from Town Hall: Chancellor Katehi has strong though not unanimous staff and faculty support though #occupyucdavis
11/29/11 6:02 PM

@phylogenomics I'm glad to hear that. I hate kneejerk resignation demands.
11/29/11 6:04 PM

@j_real I do too - though I think the administration has handled post-pepper spray issues very poorly
11/29/11 7:14 PM

@phylogenomics I think that's par for the course. academics aren't trained to handle crisis mgmt & PR; I presume most admin were profs first
11/29/11 7:16 PM

@the_eco_thought I'm astounded by what @phylogenomics reports about Katehi support. Have I been duped by media hype?
11/29/11 6:33 PM

Well @thomsparrow @the_eco_thought I've posted many links/letters on my blog from faculty/staff who support her http://t.co/UFYi9KpJ
11/29/11 7:06 PM

@thomsparrow @the_eco_thought and I have seen the letter signed by 100s of faculty expressing support - it was sent to the Davis Enterprise
11/29/11 7:08 PM

@thomsparrow @the_eco_thought I note - I did not sign the letter -it did not express enough disappointment
11/29/11 7:10 PM