Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What's Hot in Biology 2011? Why, the Genomic Encyclopedia paper I am senior author on #Yay?

And now back to some science. Got an email a few days ago from Nikos Kyrpides pointing to this: What's Hot in Biology - 2011. Very cool - the paper on the "Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea" project that I coordinated (and for which I am the senior author) has been identified as the hot biology paper of November/December 2011 by "Science Watch". Plus they have a reasonably detailed story about it "BRANCHING OUT WITH PHYLOGENETICALLY DRIVEN GENOME SEQUENCING" by Jeremy Cherfas. I note - the project was done at the DOE-Joint genome Institute and involved an enormous number of people there (I have an Adjunct Appointment there). It was done in collaboration with the DSMZ - a microbial culture collection in Germany.

The paper A phylogeny driven genomic encyclopedia of bacteria and archaea apparently has been getting a lot of citations, which I guess is how it got picked as being "hot".

Some videos of talks or interviews about the project

Talk at DOE JGI User Meeting 2009

Talk at GME Meeting 2008

JGI Video about the project