UPDATE - some new links regarding the talk
- Flash Video: The 21st century university: Purpose, problems and promise
- Interview: Read more of the Q&A with Vest
Here are my tweets:
phylogenomics Awaiting seminar by CHarles Vest, Pres. of US Natl. Acad. Engineering, past pres. of MIT #UCDavis 11/30/11 4:07 PM |
phylogenomics Vest seminar "The 21st Century Research University Purpose, Problems and Promise" #UCDavis 11/30/11 4:08 PM |
phylogenomics Charles Vest http://t.co/NlxrgeeE says Linda Katehi is an admired educational leader throughout the country #UCDavis 11/30/11 4:10 PM |
phylogenomics Charles Vest: two main challenges for universities now are globalization and access (i.e., access to education) 11/30/11 4:13 PM |
phylogenomics Charles Vest: currently trend to "brain interaction" across the globe, but need to work on how to connect people & computers better 11/30/11 4:14 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: FoldIt tool is evidence for "collective intelligence" - the researchers involved weren't just integrating computers but brains 11/30/11 4:15 PM |
phylogenomics Vest discussing book A New Culture of Learning by Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown "www.newcultureoflearning.com/" 11/30/11 4:16 PM |
phylogenomics Vest says location of universities still matter for many reasons incl. people need to be together and universities are embedded in cultures 11/30/11 4:17 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: purpose of research universities is "to create opportunity" (1) for graduates, (2) for business/industry (3) nations/regions 11/30/11 4:19 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: though research universities have many purposes, must be patient b/c hard to predict when benefits will occur 11/30/11 4:20 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: MIT and Stanford work very well b/c research is side by side w/ applications 11/30/11 4:21 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: few people understand that research universities are central to innovation (e.g., computing, laser, internet, gennomics) 11/30/11 4:22 PM |
phylogenomics Note - I might disagree with Vest's claim that Universities drove genomic innovation 11/30/11 4:23 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: virtually every job in America depends on one or more university based innovations 11/30/11 4:23 PM |
phylogenomics Vest six lessons including (1) teaching and research must be intimately intertwined and are inseparable 11/30/11 4:24 PM |
phylogenomics Vest lesson 2: quality of research university is determined by quality of its faculty 11/30/11 4:25 PM |
oldivory @phylogenomics I've quit telling kids to interview the faculty when applying to colleges. Parents don't get it either. Ah, well. 11/30/11 4:29 PM |
phylogenomics @oldivory good idea ... 11/30/11 4:30 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: need in particular young faculty to grow up through rising w/in university 11/30/11 4:26 PM |
phylogenomics Vest lesson 3: science can flourish only in an open environment #herehere 11/30/11 4:26 PM |
phylogenomics Vest lesson 4: young faculty must be free to study and teach what they believe is important (e.g., should not be assistants to Sr. faculty) 11/30/11 4:27 PM |
KSBruno9 @phylogenomics so not the European model. 11/30/11 5:11 PM |
phylogenomics Vest lesson 5: competition engenders excellence in universities (drives improvement in research, teaching, ideas, facilities, etc) 11/30/11 4:28 PM |
rmtakata @phylogenomics @carloshotta Mild competition. Wild competition could lead to cheating, forgery, distrust, sabotage... 11/30/11 4:32 PM |
phylogenomics @rmtakata @carloshotta he did not say it was perfect, just that it can be useful 11/30/11 4:34 PM |
phylogenomics Vest Lesson 6: fundamental scholarship and research must be equal w/ applied research and innovation 11/30/11 4:29 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: there is a danger in focus on applied issues that we ignore search for truth - must not be too utilitarian 11/30/11 4:30 PM |
phylogenomics Vest says "never in his lifetime has it been so hard to hang onto his optimism" b/c Washington is broken 11/30/11 4:32 PM |
tjsharpton As a young researcher, this concerns me RT @phylogenomics Vest says "never in his lifetime has it been so har… (cont) http://t.co/eZwvMurX 11/30/11 5:23 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: v. concerned w/ financial pressures on universities especially as it affects access & this started even before recent financial issues 11/30/11 4:33 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: in the last decade real per student state appropriations have dropped >20% while costs have risen 11/30/11 4:35 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: response to financial issues will be cut back on low demand classes, fewer low/middle $$ students, decr. in merit based aid & all bad 11/30/11 4:36 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: the favorite solution to State university financial problems is to seek out of state students; this spirals out of control 11/30/11 4:37 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: cites U. Michigan slogan from 19th century "an uncommon education for the common man" 11/30/11 4:37 PM |
jim_croft nice... but also woman? RT @phylogenomics: Vest: cites U. Michigan slogan from 19th century "an uncommon education for the common man" 11/30/11 4:43 PM |
phylogenomics @jim_croft I was not endorsing - just reporting 11/30/11 4:44 PM |
jim_croft @phylogenomics of course - the sentiment is perfect, the wording is excellent, for its time, just a little dated in some circles today. 11/30/11 4:49 PM |
phylogenomics Vest references Vannevar Bush's vision "Science The Endless Frontier" for research & for access http://t.co/9n1Q0LAF 11/30/11 4:39 PM |
phylogenomics Vest references Vannevar Bush Quote on education access http://t.co/LmE1bTF7 11/30/11 4:42 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: we must be good citizens of the world and contribute to and learn from increasing globalization of education 11/30/11 4:43 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: all regions of the world are more/more linked/integrated w/ shared environment, challenges, resources, knowledge, humanity 11/30/11 4:45 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: modern research universities concept was developed from Humboldt University in Germany in 1800s -> JHU in US -> others in US -> global 11/30/11 4:46 PM |
phylogenomics Vest says he has a hard time contemplating scale of educational expansion in China and India 11/30/11 4:46 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: the Yin and Yang of Universities are Competition and Collaboration 11/30/11 4:47 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: people everywhere need opportunity from universities and thus MIT developed "Open Courseware" for anyone to use anywhere/anytime 11/30/11 4:48 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: Open Courseware movement has spread globally - and it (and related initiatives) are a revolution 11/30/11 4:49 PM |
mikedelic @phylogenomics I've taken free courses from Stanford and MIT that imwoudlnt have been able to back in the day. Love open source education 11/30/11 5:07 PM |
mikedelic @phylogenomics my favorite was Robert sapolsky's behavioral biology course from Stanford 11/30/11 5:08 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: openness is the true spirit of education, democratization and empowerment 11/30/11 4:49 PM |
phylogenomics Vest refs: "Unlocking the Gates" and "Abelard to Apple" - books about open education 11/30/11 4:50 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: in 21st century we are observing the early emergence of a "Meta University" via open materials and platforms 11/30/11 4:51 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: must rekindle spirit of research university as provider of opportunity while also promoting openness 11/30/11 4:52 PM |
phylogenomics Here is more form Charles Vest on the "meta university" http://t.co/tJ0fNSqo 11/30/11 4:53 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: analog of Tip ONeil's "all politics is local" need outreach to get people locally to understand importance of research universities 11/30/11 5:03 PM |
phylogenomics Questioner asks Vest how to best export notion of democracy/ access 11/30/11 5:09 PM |
phylogenomics Vest in response to question expresses dismay at how anyone could support the "Dream Act" http://t.co/FpwekBzu 11/30/11 5:09 PM |
lukedones @phylogenomics Dismay that anyone would *support* the DREAM Act? Why? 11/30/11 5:12 PM |
phylogenomics @lukedones do you mean why would anyone be dismayed that some support the act? 11/30/11 5:15 PM |
lukedones @phylogenomics Yes. Just wondering whether he gave a reason. 11/30/11 5:21 PM |
phylogenomics @lukedones not that I remember 11/30/11 5:21 PM |
phylogenomics @lukedones sorry - in looking at the Dream Act I am wondering if he misspoke and meant he supported it ... no longer sure what he said 11/30/11 6:24 PM |
VoteBothell @phylogenomics why no support for Dream Act? 11/30/11 7:01 PM |
phylogenomics Sorry all; MAJOR error tweeting Charles Vest talk; I wrote he was against Dream Act; I think he/I got that backwards & must be for it 11/30/11 7:19 PM |
phylogenomics @VoteBothell sorry - I think he must be for it - so either he or I got it backwards 11/30/11 7:20 PM |
VoteBothell @phylogenomics Great, got it. Enjoy your tweets. I've been following you since the pepper spray. My support and thoughts are with UC Davis. 11/30/11 7:22 PM |
lukedones @phylogenomics Thanks - I expected an academic would be for the Dream Act. 11/30/11 7:26 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: we need more experimentation with how research is funded to try to find other ways 11/30/11 5:21 PM |
phylogenomics Vest: should keep systems at basic science agencies but should try new approaches like ARPA-E 11/30/11 5:22 PM |
phylogenomics Vest views Open Courseware as a new form of publication not really as "classes" per se, b/c not interactive 11/30/11 5:25 PM |