Friday, January 13, 2012

Draft post cleanup #15: Now this is how to write a scientific paper

Yet another post in my "draft blog post cleanup" series.  Here is #15, from May 2010.

I had written:
Just found an old fax I received from my brother of a paper published in 1974 in Scientia Sinica. "Studies of the insulin crystal structure: the molecule at 1.8Å resolution." Sounds pretty straightforward right? But then you read the paper: Here is the abstract (could not find a PDF so scanned in the fax I got).
I note, I stopped here because I could not figure out how to upload a PDF here.  But I did figure out how to upload it to FriendFeed.  But I think in the end it would be good to have a version of this post on my blog.  So, well, here it is.  And now I have included scans of the fax: