Friday, January 6, 2012

Go PLOS Biology - getting lots of press coverage for recent pubs

Just got this email from PLoS Biology and thought I would share - it has links to press coverage of recent PLoS Bio papers  :

We are writing to update you on some papers recently published in PLoS Biology.This is a summary of our recent media coverage for PLoS Biology board members, friends, and for editors. Thank you again for your support of the journal.

On January 3, PLoS Biology published an article by Prof. Alex Rogers et al., which detailed a survey of Antarctic waters along the East Scotia Ridge in the Southern Ocean, revealing a new vent biogeographic province among previously uncharacterized deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities. This received significant coverage in the media, a selection of which is below:

The New York Times
The Guardian
Washington Post

PBS News Hour (video)
BBC World Service (audio)
Press Association
Discovery News
Reuters (video)
The Telegraph
Scientific American
National Geographic
ABC (Australia)
Sydney Morning Herald
CBC (Canada)
Fox News
New Scientist
The Mirror
The Daily Mail
Indian Express

In the same issue, PLoS Biology published an article by Dr David Ornitz and colleagues, which described how FGF20 signaling in mice is required specifically for the differentiation of cochlear outer hair cells - the cells most often damaged during age-related hearing loss. This also received attention in the media, including the following:

NHS Choices
Press Association
The Mirror
The Daily Mail
Irish Examiner