I quite like the simplicity yet informativeness of the Scholar Citations front page:
Yet there are many other things I wish were there. For example, I really wish the "Institution" part was an active link and led to other people at UC Davis. Alas, not so. So I had to use the search function to pull out other people from UC Davis (searching for UC Davis in the search for Authors in the box in the upper right from my home page).
The list comes out in order of numbers of citations, which is good and bad. Here are some of the top people from the list:
- John Terning
- Steven Luck
- Alan Hastings
- Luca Comai
- Oliver Fiehn
- Dean Keith Simonton
- Donald R. Strong
- Pamela Ronald
- Roger Wets
- Patricia Lyon Mokhtarian
- Bertram Ludäscher
- John Owens
- Peter C Wainwright
- David Fyhrie
- Mark W. Schwartz
- Anna Scaglione
- Katherine Ferrara
- Craig A. Tracy
- Richard McElreath
- Kwan-Liu Ma
- Prasant Mohapatra
- Truman P. Young
- Patrice Koehl
- Peter Cranston
- N. Sukumar
- Marcel Holyoak
- MA Matthews
- Kali H. Trzesniewski
- Shyhtsun Felix Wu
- Stacey Harmer
- Julin N Maloof
- R Ford Denison
- Zhendong Su
- Dorothy Gietzen
- David A. Mills
- Danh Nguyen
- H. Michael Zhang, HM Zhang
- Louise Kellogg
- Aaron Darling
I also like the "Co-authors" function:
And the page where I can see lovely pictures of some of my co-authors all together
But this function still leaves a bit to be desired. For example, finding other Co-Authors with Scholar pages is very hard for me since, well, I have hundreds and hundreds of Co-authors. And though there is a function where Google Scholar makes suggestions for who to search for
It would be nice if it had a way to display the whole list not just their top suggestions. But there is no way to see the next page and the only way to see other suggestions is to delete some of them. I know - not everyone will have this issue but at least some other genomics focused folks probably will/do.
Anyway - it is worth playing around with - a good addition to the relatively simplistic Google Scholar search tools.
UPDATE 7 PM 3/4/2012
I figured out a way to find co-authors of papers of mine on Google Scholar Citations. If I search for the paper title and restrict the search to the site I can find them. For example searching for:
This pulls out all the people in Scholar Citations who are authors on the paper ...
Then alas I have to retype their name into the Author Search box and I get to add them as coauthors ...
Also... searching for Eisen JA in the site: scholar.google.com/citations finds some co-authors