- IMG and IMG/M
- IGS annotation engine (which seems to no longer be a web server but an email the sequence to someone server).
- Jonathan Eisen @phylogenomics
- Researching blog post on free/online microbial genome/metagenome annotation services - looking for examples beyond IMG & RAST
- Mick Watson @BioMickWatson
- @phylogenomics some microbial annotation pipelines mentioned in our review here bib.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/…
- Ewan Birney @ewanbirney
- @phylogenomics Check out @EBImetagenomics ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics/: ORFs, Interproscan, submissions and more.
- Mick Watson @BioMickWatson
- @ewanbirney @phylogenomics @EBImetagenomics needs illumina support, and support of assemblies :/
And from Google Plus where I asked "Researching blog post on free/online microbial genome/metagenome annotation services - looking for examples beyond IMG & RAST ":
- Mary Mangan - Oh, I know some:
- Manatee: http://www.jcvi.org/cms/research/projects/annotation-service/
- GATU: http://athena.bioc.uvic.ca/virology-ca-tools/gatu/
- Apollo: http://gmod.org/wiki/Apollo
- And also from Mary
- Here's a question on that at BioStar:
- EDIT: Another question suggests Artemis: