Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wanted - opinions/details on online systems for annotation of genomes and metagenomes

Doing a little survey/snooping around.  Trying to compile a list of available online tools for annotating microbial genomes and metagenomes.  And I am also trying to get comments on what people think of the various tools.  There are some obvious candidates to think about
But given that there are certainly many many more out there I decided to post a request to Twitter and Google plus and got some responses.

  • Jonathan Eisen ‏ @phylogenomics
    • Researching blog post on free/online microbial genome/metagenome annotation services - looking for examples beyond IMG & RAST
  • Mick Watson @BioMickWatson
  • Ewan Birney ‏ @ewanbirney 
  • Mick Watson ‏ @BioMickWatson 
    • @ewanbirney @phylogenomics @EBImetagenomics needs illumina support, and support of assemblies :/

And from Google Plus where I asked "Researching blog post on free/online microbial genome/metagenome annotation services - looking for examples beyond IMG & RAST ":