Friday, May 11, 2012


Enjoying a walk on this beautiful morning! ☀
on a walk this morning with Henry's buddy Max and my friend/Max's mama Veronica. We always have such a good time walking and chatting away. Today we got some iced coconut tea too- my favorite!  

Reading: So much! I have a huge summer reading list I'm working on right now that I hope to share with all of you sometime next week, and I'm excited to get cracking on it. I actually already started reading the first book I chose and I am loving it so much. I'm going to do a proper review of it once I'm done so I'll wait until then (probably Sunday or Monday) to talk about it. But I'm really looking forward to finishing the book list and picking a couple more must-reads for this summer. I hope some of you will read along with me as well!

Watching: Parenthood. And I have to ask myself: "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO WATCH THIS SHOW?!" It's amazing. And I also have to laugh at myself, because so many people told me to get into it (just like they did with Friday Night Lights, Gossip Girl, LOST, etc.) and it was only until I was bored one late night that I decided to finally give it a whirl. I'm so happy I did. I have an unabashed love for television- I really love "my shows" (hello, is this my Mom speaking?) and once I fall in love with a series I have to watch all of the episodes. Hank and I used to love watching box sets of series back in the day, pre-Henry, and we would stay on couch for hours some weekends and power through seasons of LOST. Nowadays I am lucky if I can watch an episode a night of whatever show I'm into at the moment, but it's a enough for me and something I really look forward to.  

Thinking about: how sad the aftermath of the Whiskey Row fire is. This past week I was driving to hot yoga and talking to Hank on the phone when I noticed a huge cloud of smoke billow up from the downtown area. I wasn't too sure where it was coming from, and I was initially really freaked out that it was coming from one of our family's businesses. As I got closer I saw that the fire was actually a street up, right on Whiskey Row, and as I made my way down Goodwin to the studio, I was passed by fire trucks and police cars speeding over to the Bird Cage area. As it turns out a faulty kitchen appliance started a huge fire that destroyed three businesses. So, so sad. Luckily the fire was contained but SO much history was lost- irreplaceable things- and it's devastating to think about the lost jobs and people's lives that will be forever changed. On the bright side no one was hurt, and I am hoping this summer the town can come together to rebuild it.

Anticipating: this weekend! Hank and I will be celebrating my sweet Shirley's 30th birthday. I can't give any details because she faithfully reads here and her party is a half-surprise, but I will be back after this weekend with fun photos. I can't wait to celebrate one of my most favorite people in the entire world. She's the kind of person that always goes above and beyond celebrating everyone else, so one day dedicated all to her is pretty much perfect in my book...although I think she should get a week! We also have my second Mother's Day on Sunday, and I'm looking forward to a lot of pool time.

Listening to: Aloe Blacc. All day. Henry LOVES him, and especially the song "I Need a Dollar." If you're viewing this via RSS be sure to open this post in a new window to listen below.

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Eating: fruit. Salad and fruit (or hey, even fruit salad!) are my staples in the spring and summer months. Heavy food always just sounds gross, so lighter, in season produce is where it's at. Henry is also obsessed with berries so our breakfasts are always chock full of them.

Working on: feeling good in my own skin. Well, I'm always working on this, but lately I've been feeling great about just being me. I know that this one go-round I have, this one life I'm living, is way too short to focus on ridiculous things like feeling unhappy with things I can't change (although at times this is hard to remember). But yoga has helped me a lot with appreciating my body for what it is- celebrating all of the amazing things it can do- and I don't want to ever spend time hating it or feeling upset because I don't look a certain way or live up to some perfect image I've created in my mind. It's a good place to be, and I want to keep working on it so I continue to make strides to total self-acceptance.

Wishing: that I could make time slow down. Every morning Henry is a little bigger, says a new word, and I just feel like it's all going by way too quickly. I try my best to savor it but I so badly wish I had a pause button I got press every now and then. But what a cliché thing to wish for right? So here are some other things I'd love to have, right now: an unlimited supply of magic Gouda cheese that never made you gain weight, even if you ate a hundred pounds of it, sunglasses that didn't make little marks on either side of my nose, and a huge pool in our backyard. Oh, and I'd also love a private Lil Wayne concert for all of my girlfriends and me for my birthday. Drake could open too. Perfect.

How about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments! And thanks again to my dear friend Megan for providing the original inspiration for these posts.