Friday, May 4, 2012


Untitled You know what I'm especially grateful for this week? The sound of Henry's laughter and way his nose scrunches up just so with that extra-wide grin, hot yoga and everything it's bringing to my life, getting back to feeling one hundred percent me after a couple months of feeling one hundred percent the opposite, Ezekial cinnamon raisin toast and butter, the monthly inspiration I find in Whole Living magazine, beautiful blogs like this one and this one, thoughts of second babies swirling around in my head and the sweet the daydreams that always follow, lots of outdoor time and the way spring always makes everything feel so new, big, ripe, juicy raspberries, Hank and everything he does for us, and for English muffin pizzas (because I could eat them everyday and never, ever get sick of them).

How about you?