Sunday, May 6, 2012

Marathon Weekend

Right now I'm enjoying the last bits of Henry's naptime, snuggled up in bed watching Parenthood. I just started watching this show and I'm pretty blown away. It's really, really wonderful. And not wonderful in the trashy television vein I sometimes find myself in, but wonderful in its great writing and talented actors. I think I've cried at each of the episodes I've watched so far!

This weekend has been a whirlwind of go-go-go, so it's nice to just sit for a moment and relax. My cousin Matt came up from Tucson on Friday night and then ran in the Whiskey Row Marathon Saturday morning. Even though Matt lived in Arizona and I grew up in NJ, we still spent a lot of time together growing up and having some funny memories. It was great to have him visit, and even cooler to be able to cheer him on while he ran. Next year Hank and I will be doing the 10K while pushing Henry, and I'm really, really excited! And on a related side note, apparently marathons make me extremely emotional. Hank was dying from laughter as I teared up no less than ten times as I watched people finish. "Oh my gosh, that man is limping! And he's FINISHING! (tears)." "Oh wow! That woman must be 80! She is amazing! (tears.)" "Ahhh Hank! Look! I think that guy is waiting for that woman so they can cross together! That is so sweet! (tears)." Tears, tears and more tears. I don't even know what came over me, but it was really bizarre...and next time I attend a marathon I'm thinking water proof mascara should be mandatory.

The rest of the day was spent walking around downtown and enjoying some beautiful weather. Then this morning we met family for brunch then hiked up and down Thumb Butte which was a lot of fun. All in all, it's been a very great but long weekend! Now we're about to cook some dinner- orange "chicken" and broccoli- and then I'm counting on a laid-back evening.  Tomorrow morning the gym calls bright and early so I'll be curling up with the AMAZING book I'm reading right now (more on this later) and getting to sleep early.

Here are a handful photos from our weekend -

Whiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon WeekendWhiskey Marathon Weekend