Thursday, June 30, 2011

[Gypsy Heart Tour] - 2011 > Tour Book Scans

[PICTURE] New Gypsy heart Photo!

Miley Looks Gorgeous in this new picture.
Thanks @CyrusCherry For the amazing picture! We Love You Miley♥

Vote For Miley Cyrus on the TCAs

“Teen Choice Awards 2011“ nominees were announced on the official site. Miley is nominated in two categories this year, “Best Comedy Actress” and “Red Carpet Fashion Icon Female“.

Best Comedy Actress

Demi Lovato – Sonny With A Chance
Miley Cyrus – Hannah Montana
Miranda Cosgrove – iCarly
Kaley Cuoco – The Big Bang Theory
Selena Gomez – Wizards Of Waverly Place

Red Carpet Fashion Icon – Female

Lady Gaga
Miley Cyrus
Jennifer Lopez
Taylor Swift
Vanessa Hudgens

You can vote EVERYDAY, so make sure you do so!! All you have to do is register for an account, and vote daily! Click here to visit the official site and vote.

Andrea's Half-Sleeve with Mermaid

Today we are checking out an awesome traditional half-sleeve by Charlie Foos at Reade Street Tattoo Parlour. I spotted it on Andrea outside of the Fuse studios on Seventh Avenue in Manhattan:

Andrea told me this was completed in three sessions of three and a half hours each and was inspired by s piece of jewelery. "I bought this pendant of a ship," she said, "and I decided I wanted a half-sleeve of something traditional." The rest is history.

Thanks to Andrea for sharing this great tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Miley Cyrus Ranked Number 8 “Rolling Stone Queen Of Pop”

According to Rolling Stone, Miley Cyrus was ranked number 8 in the Rolling stone queen of pop index. Joining other female pop artist that has been an era of female dominance such as: Britney, Lady gaga, Beyonce, Katy perry, and Rihanna. Last year it was Beyonce that dominated the charts, this year its Gaga. Miley was able to rank 549 in the queen of pop index.

Fully List: Adele, Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cyrus, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, P!nk, Rihanna, Robyn, Shakira,Britney Spears, Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood.

The Fabric Of India

Right now we are obsessed with traditional Indian woodblocking chintzes... these prints could just be THE most beautiful prints created by man. That's a big call, but what could possibly be more precious than these rolls of super-soft cotton voile adorned with the hand-painted filigree, the delicate, beautiful patterns that instantly conjure the romance and mysticism of India?
It's exactly what every room needs... something authentic, romantic and happy. These prints were hugely influential over 17th Century French Provencal prints, and still maintain a certain kind of traditional dignity - partly because the creation process hasn't changed much in hundreds of years. It's still done by hand, and the rolls are still laid out in the sun to allow the paint to dry.

Tree Of Life loves a little woodblocking, and if you manage to come and visit us instore you will spot splashes of Indian wood blocked chintzes in every corner. Our stock changes all the time, but on any given day you may wander in to discover woodblocked traditional quilted coats, kimono dressing gowns, kurtas, bed throws, ottomans and always a myriad of joyful scatter cushions. Come in and see ...

from: Gunnar
date: Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:16 AM
subject: Funny tattoo "Ride Hard Die Free"


I stumbled across this tattoo online, and I haven't seen on your blog before. It is supposed to say "Ride Hard Die Free" but as you can see Google Translate made a creative interpretation of the phrase. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you for a great blog!


Grammatically speaking, this tattooed phrase is Chinese, however its translation back to English is far from "Ride Hard Die Free".

Granted, 免費 does mean "free of charge", 乘坐 does mean "riding, or being passenger", does mean "hard", but or 硬模 is not verb for "die, or dying". Rather it is the noun "die" as in "die-casting" or "die-molding".

I guess this young man is quite proud and wants everyone to know he enjoys "freely shoving die-casted figurines up his ass"?


This week on Hello Giggles!

Head on over to Hello Giggles to weigh in on "Mom-petition"! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)

Kerry Unveils Some Masterpieces

A couple weeks ago, I felt like I had won the Tattoosday lottery. In my own neighborhood, I ran into Kerry, who had a bit of a tattoo peeking out of her left sleeve. I stopped her and introduced myself, and she shared some simply phenomenal work. We'll get to that left sleeve in a second, but Kerry figured I'd be impressed with this tattoo on her upper right arm:

Well, she was certainly right about that!  This is a piece by Anil Gupta at Inkline Studio in Manhattan. The detail of this work is astonishing.

Anil Gupta is considered a master of the biomechanical tattoo. Kerry explained:
"I'd seen Gupta's work and I really wanted something in the biomechanical style ... I just thought of a butterfly, which is usually something very feminine and soft, just made it out of parts and steel ... like a cool mix of the styles ... we just kept building and adding more stuff to the design ... he was great to work with."
To get a full appreciation of the tattoo, check out the work from Gupta's portfolio. Simply stunning!

That's twenty-five hours of work by a master of the biomechanical.

Remember, it wasn't the Gupta tattoo that caught my attention, but this colorful section of a sleeve, on the lower part of Kerry's left arm:

Kerry rolled up her sleeve to reveal the entire arm:

What you see is approximately forty-two hours of work by the talented Kaz at New York Adorned.

Kerry explained the genesis of this sleeve:
"I saw this picture when I was looking up samurai stories, because I'm a martial artist and, initially, we were just going to do it half-sleeve, but then just decided to go whole hog. Kaz is really good, so I just let him go crazy with it."
Kerry's focus in martial arts is grappling and kick-boxing. 

And to think, I would have missed all of this amazing work, had I not been intrigued by the head of this Japanese monster, peeking out from one of her sleeves!

Thanks to Kerry for sharing her simply stunning tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

8 Weeks to a Better Me: Recap (kind of)

It's been 9 weeks now since the start of 8 Weeks to a Better Me, and I've absolutely enjoyed setting small goals and (mostly) achieving them!  Some of the goals I set have actually become a part of my daily life/routine, and I think that's pretty awesome. I thought it would be great to recap each of the weeks and break down how I did! So, last night I began doing so (it took me two hours with little flashes of internet window shopping)...hit publish, and blogger gave me an error message...and wouldn't let me go back. I logged in this morning hoping it had saved, but alas, it did not. I believe one of my goals was not to waste my time (if it wasn't it is now), so I am refusing to retype, relink, and rethink all of it! What I will say though, is how much I truly enjoyed this project, and perhaps I'll bring it back closer to the new year with fresh topics and ideas!

I also wanted to say thank you one more time to all of my fabulously inspiring contributors and super supportive (and equally inspiring) readers. I love you guys!

p.s. if you'd like to go back and read through each of the weeks, click the "8 weeks to a better me" tag below!

Henry: 7 months

7 months

7 months is so much fun! I love this age, and it's definitely my favorite month yet. Spoiler alert: I think I'm going to end up saying that every month! This past month though has been awesome. Henry's personality is shining through, and just like I thought, he's a funny, sweet, very independent little dude. And getting funnier and sweeter by the day.

This month went transitioned into solids, and started off with rice cereal (hated it), then oatmeal (also hated it), and a week later decided to start vegetables. Our friend Robyn got us the Baby Bullet as a gift and I LOVE it. I've been making batches of homemade baby food and it's just so easy to use. I'll blog more specifically about it sometime soon, but it's really a great tool. So far Henry has tried sweet potatoes (his first food), avocados, and yesterday he tried peas. We've been feeding him once at day around 4pm. Here's a little video from his first pea experience- don't mind my commentary!

Henry has also been moving and grooving like crazy. He has pulling up on anything he can get his hands on, and prefers to be standing. He's even starting to try and take steps while holding onto his crib. It's really weird to see him over by his toy basket, pulling himself up to pick out a toy to play with. I keep thinking back to just a few short months ago, when he was a non-mobile baby, and it's insane to think about what a difference those weeks have made. It's neat though, and I'm excited for him to start being able to get where he wants to go.

7 months

7 months

7 months

7 months

This month Henry:

is eating and loving solids
is still breastfeeding
takes 2 naps a day
can pull up on anything
loves to stand
laughs when you squeeze his thighs
loves swimming and being in the water
is starting to get very attached to mama
makes lots of babbling sounds
doesn't have any teeth yet
is wearing 9-12 month clothing
doesn't like to wear shoes or socks
loves being in one of our slings
really enjoys going on walks and jogs in the BOB jogger
lights up with Daddy get homes from work
is fascinated by remote controls, cell phone, and plastic cups
drinks water and breastmilk out of a sippy cup

7 months

As far as sleeping goes, he's been wanting to go to bed earlier, and likes to start his bedtime process around 6:30pm. That seems SO early to me, but it's naturally when he gets tired and no matter what we are doing or where we are, he'll curl up against me and start sucking his thumb. The thumb is ALWAYS an indicator of nap time, and during the day I can totally gauge when he needs a nap and when he will actually go down for a nap based on when that thumb gets popped into his mouth. It's almost like clockwork. For the past week Henry has been waking up in the middle of the night wanting to eat around 1am. He eats for about 5-10 minutes then goes back to sleep. I can't tell if it's because he's actually hungry or if he just wants to be comforted, but either way it's okay with me.

7 months

And speaking of eating, last week while at my parents', I left Henry for the evening to go to a show. He doesn't take a bottle anymore and hasn't for months, and our doctor advised me against using one this late in the game. So, we used a Born Free sippy cup my Mom got him. I pumped the night before, and my Mom filled the cup with a bottle's worth of breast milk, gave it to him before he went to bed in place of our usual feeding, and he drank the whole thing while sitting in her lap. He went right to bed and slept through the night. I was SO relieved, because I have three different weekends over the next couple of months that I'm going to be leaving him with Hank, and I was so, so nervous. It makes me happy to know that this worked well.

So, happy 7 months to our darling little man. He's the best thing in our life and it's only gets more and more fun everyday. I can't wait to see what this month has in store for us!  And if these photos are any indication, you can bet it's going to be a good time!

7 months


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Miley Explains What Inspired Her To Start Get Ur Good On.

Miley Cyrus explains what inspired her to start Get Ur Good On and how young people can get involved. Join the movement today:

Miley Cyrus Supporting “Love Is Louder” Campaign Championed By Demi Lovato

Being a teenage girl is tough no matter what, but it’s especially tough if you spend these years in the spotlight like Miley. Her roles in Hannah Montanaand The Last Song and her chart-topping hits like “Party in the U.S.A.” have shown that Miley has big dreams and knows how to achieve them. This campaign is all about knowing that you don’t have to let success get in the way of your happiness, and Miley’s support shows that even the most successful girls understand the power of balance.

Seventeen Magazine

Not sure exactly when Seventeen originally posted this pic but it is just an adorable pic of Miles we thought you guys might like. Lot of other celebs have showed their support for this cause that was initiated by Seventeen Magazine and Demi Lovato. Hope you guys like the pic. 


Nicole Takes Us to Candyland

At the beginning of the month, I had the pleasure of encountering a young lady named Nicole in Herald Square (34th Street and 6th Avenue, for you out-of-towners).

Nicole is heavily inked, estimating that "about 45%" of her body is tattooed.

So with so much work, where to begin? She offered up her lower left leg, which is fully-sleeved.

I always find photographing sleeves challenging, because it is so hard to capture all of the details accurately and perfectly in a photograph. So here's a collage of Nicole's Candyland sleeve:

Why a Candylamd-themed sleeve? Nicole explained,
"Growing up, that was my favorite game in the whole world.

Getting my tattoos never really meant anything, so that was kinda the one, like, childhood thing . . . I feel like if you're a girl, you should have pretty, colorful tattoos ... otherwise, you don't look 'girly' anymore.

So that's why I did that."
Nicole credited Brian Randolph, formerly of New York Adorned, with this work

Nicole informed me that Brian had moved to California, but he comes back and forth every six months.  She did say that, although this work is solely from Brian, she also gets tattooed by Justin Weatherholtz at Kings Avenue Tattoo in Massapequa, New York.

Thanks to Nicole for sharing her incredibly colorful leg sleeve with us here on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2011 Tattoosday.

If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.