Sunday, June 19, 2011

“The Day I met Miley…” the host of Eat Bulaga writes about her amazing experience meeting Miley!

The host of EAT BULAGA, Pauleen, writes about her amazing experience meeting Miley. She wrote such nice things, so be sure to read it!
It was a Wednesday when our boss told us Miley Cyrus will guest in “Eat Bulaga.” I got excited because I am a big fan of Miley’s movie “The Last Song” and I really dance to some of her songs when I do numbers in “Bulaga.” I can’t really say I’m a die-hard Milester since I prefer different genres until… I met her in person.
Thursday came. I got up, tweeted my followers to tune in to “Eat Bulaga” because Miley Cyrus will promote her concert. I did my morning routine, got in my car and drove to Broadway Studios. I rushed going up to our Broadway expecting she was already there. I saw familiar faces who I don’t regularly see in the studio, like Mara Sotto, Bossing Vic’s niece. And yes, she was so excited to see Miley, too.
Finally, the show started. I hosted this portion called “PNV.” Right after the portion, I went straight to the host’s room.

People we’re talking about Miley’s arrival. There were comments like ”She’s so tall!” and “She has never ending legs!” and that made me more curious. I never imagined Miley to be so tall really. Well, of course, next to boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, she really looked tiny. Anyhow, another gap has passed. I was eating my lunch when our P.A. Ira told me that Pia and I are going to interview Miley. Pia was so excited for me but I wasn’t. These words came out of my mouth “Huh? Bakit ako? Si Allan K (another Bulaga host) na lang!” Weird huh? Don’t get me wrong guys. I really like her, but fear and nervousness crept in. I was thrilled and scared at the same time! I’ve only had two chances of interviewing singers from Hollywood and Miley’s the third. Others famous Hollywood personalities I interviewed on the show were Kris Allen and Nicole Scherzinger. YES, I sure am lucky!
Finally, the time came.
There I was introducing MILEY CYRUS! What was my first reaction when I saw her? Well, aside from getting goosebumps, I noticed she’s REALLY tall! If I’m not mistaken, she must be about 5’8”! She was taller than Pia Guanio and I! Totally not how I Imagined her to be. She was very warm and sweet. She smelled good too! The moment she came out of the LCD, she walked towards us, waved to her fans, kissed and hugged us. She answered all the questions we asked her. Other Hollywood celebrities can only be asked three questions and luckily, she’s not one of them.
She looked really pleased because the fans in the studio went ballistic! They were so, so happy to see her. They were chanting her name and singing her songs! And finally, the interview ended with another kiss and a hug, which she initiated and this time, tighter. She really is one sweet young lady. After the interview, we went backstage and guess what? She was nice enough to allow us to have our picture taken with her. I can just imagine the stress of flying to a country halfway around the world and going to a noon time show just to promote. But there she was, smiling and making us feel like she’s one of us. That yes, she is a star but she shines because of her pleasing attitude. She even told me to watch her concert! What an experience. Boy, never in my entire life did I imagine having even a short conversation with a Hollywood star! But thanks to Miley, it happened.
Meeting Miley Cyrus was such a humbling and amazing experience. I’ll never look at her the same way ever again. She really is something. Now I can really say, I am a very, very big fan. Keep it up Miley! We love you!