Friday, June 17, 2011

Why Miley Cyrus 'can't be tamed

On Friday, June 17, her Filipino fans will have a chance to see how “sexy” Miley has become and listen to her sing “live’ selections (among other numbers) from her Can’t Be Tamed album during her first ever concert in Manila, The Corazon Gitano (Gypsy Heart) Tour!
Hello, Miley!

Your current The Corazon Gitano (Gypsy Heart) Tour has brought you to Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico and other Latin countries. How is it so far?

“It’s been amazing, you know. I spent so many times working but also not working. This is the first tour that I actually enjoyed the countries that I’d been to, so it’s been amazing!”

How would you compare this tour to the previous two?

“Sure, it’s different. Kind of a different audience. The songs are the ones that I really love to do, not songs that I’ve grown out of. The songs cover topics that I love and artists that I love. I can feel that the audience(s) are touched by those songs, that’s why the tour is amazing.”

And how different are you now as a person and artist from you were during the first two tours?

“I think that I just continue to get better and I think I know myself more. I’m more comfortable with what and who I am, and I connect even more effectively with my fans now. So, it’s…good!”

It’s a back-breaking schedule. How do you prepare for a world tour?

“You know, that shouldn’t really be awful because after South America, I took three weeks off. And then I go to Australia and then on to the Philippines. The thing is that, I get some time off between shows. During those three-week rest periods, I go home, get together with friends. It’s a good way of re-charging.”
Credit: Ricky Lo The Philippine Star