Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Featured: Tosca Reno of The Eat-Clean Diet & Emily Henderson of HGTV

As you may or may not know, I am a HUGE fan of a very wonderful and inspirational woman by the name of Tosca Reno. She's the "Eat-Clean" lady and one of my biggest motivators when it comes to diet and exercise. Her books are my absolutely bible/go-tos for cooking and all things healthy, so when she approached me about writing a guest blog for her, of course I said yes! Hop over to Tosca's blog and check out what I had to say about my own healthy-eating journey. And if you don't already know who the lovely Ms. Reno is, take a moment and look around, I'm sure you're bound to find lots of inspiration. Her husband Robert Kennedy also publishes my most favorite magazine, Oxygen, and a million other books and magazines dedicated to health and fitness.  Thank you again Tosca for having me!

I also recently contributed to Emily Henderson's (from HGTV's Design Star and her own show, Secrets of a Stylist) holiday gift guide. It's so much fun to to browse through and I've already bookmarked some great ideas for various people in my life. My article is on pages 174-177, but the whole guide is really amazing and absolutely worth a look!  If you have any trouble with the embedded guide below, click here to view it outside of my site.

Happy Wednesday, all! xo