UPDATE: Video of the Town Hall Meeting is here.
phylogenomics Crowd starting to form outside Freeborn Hall for #occupyucdavis Town Hall - TV crews coming too http://t.co/GbWPKKoX 11/22/11 4:23 PM |
I bumped into another student I knew Dvid Harris. He had a letter he was hoping to read for the Chancellor. I took a pic of his letter and posted it.
phylogenomics Preview of one of the letters that may be read at Town Hall meeting re #occupyucdavis http://t.co/idRivoP6 11/22/11 4:34 PM |
phylogenomics Hmm Town Hall meeting rules re #occupyucdavis includes no filming after 1st hour http://t.co/vmyTA9Jl 11/22/11 4:37 PM |
SciTriGrrl @phylogenomics What happens after hour 1?! 11/22/11 4:41 PM |
phylogenomics @SciTriGrrl no clue 11/22/11 4:49 PM |
phylogenomics Crowd has been let in to Freeborn Hall re #occupyucdavis http://t.co/Ss3Ig27J 11/22/11 4:42 PM |
We sat way near the front - in the third row. And people started to pile in. I got up and took some pics of the crowd and posted to twitter.
phylogenomics Lots of media here for Town Hall re #occupyucdavis http://t.co/9j6EiJQN 11/22/11 4:48 PM |
jaimedash @phylogenomics how full? should cpb seminar speaker phil ward attempt to wrap his talk so we can come by? 11/22/11 4:49 PM |
phylogenomics @jaimedash lots of space still http://t.co/jfY9pQ64 11/22/11 5:01 PM |
hhollandmoritz @phylogenomics Do you know when AggieTV will begin streaming online? 11/22/11 4:51 PM |
phylogenomics Town Hall will be streamed live at http://t.co/2VqkdHs4 #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 4:52 PM |
Then the UC Davis administrators started to arrive and eventually a bunch of people went up to talk to them. I took a bunch of pics of the scene - it was very friendly I note - no yelling at anyone. No chanting for resignation. Just chatting with Katehi and others.
phylogenomics The UCDavis administration has arrived #occupyucdavis http://t.co/3hy9wO6h 11/22/11 5:04 PM |
phylogenomics Here are @ryneches and @myhelicaltryst waiting for the town hall #occupyucdavis http://t.co/zVL34inj 11/22/11 5:07 PM |
And eventually they started to assemble a "panel" up on the stage.
phylogenomics Katehi directly apologizes and says charges will be dropped and medical expenses will be covered #occupyucdavis http://t.co/FJuSVmcD 11/22/11 5:15 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says she explicitly instructed the police to not use force and to not make any arrests #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 5:16 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says she will do the best in her power to support students during these difficult times #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 5:18 PM |
ryneches @phylogenomics Why didn't she say that police disobeyed her orders on Friday? That would have been helpful. #OccupyUCDavis 11/22/11 5:19 PM |
phylogenomics @ryneches implied 11/22/11 5:23 PM |
Then Vice Chancellor Wood spoke very emotionally
phylogenomics Vice Chancellor Wood says he is traumatized by the whole incident - says it was darkest day in his 30yrs here http://t.co/1J245UCF 11/22/11 5:21 PM |
phylogenomics Someone just shouted out "Katehi" as the person to blame during Wood's talk - but they were hushed down 11/22/11 5:22 PM |
phylogenomics Wood says he is saying a prayer for all harmed by incident #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 5:23 PM |
phylogenomics Wood says he is hopeful for healing because of the students here who he is very proud of #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 5:25 PM |
jamesdotcuff /me thinks @phylogenomics and @kbradnam ought to dash out and buy some tents and pepper repellent 11/22/11 5:24 PM |
geetika1255 with @AggieTV off air and @CBSSacramento 's sucky audio, I am now following this meeting mainly via @phylogenomics ' tweets. 11/22/11 5:25 PM |
the_eco_thought @phylogenomics thanks for tweeting this mate, i have to be at home with the smalls 11/22/11 5:26 PM |
MarilynM @phylogenomics thx for the live-tweeting. 11/22/11 5:27 PM |
And then the questions began. They announced the lottery winners and people lined up to ask questions and they started firing away. I am posting my twitter posts here b/c that is the best way for me to remember everything that was going on. First though some of the pics from the Q&A
phylogenomics First person to comment - senior - Chase - says "thank you" to chancellor for her work for #UCDavis #occupyucdavis http://t.co/1pizVWwF 11/22/11 5:28 PM |
phylogenomics Next is a question is about tuition increases and it's affect on Latino students w/ high dropout rate #occupyucdavis http://t.co/YFOtJOVW 11/22/11 5:30 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says she does not support the 81% tuition increases http://t.co/w2s9Os0U 11/22/11 5:31 PM |
phylogenomics Students has a box with petition to call for Katehis resignation Asks if she will accept it http://t.co/7MeXq1Qm 11/22/11 5:33 PM |
phylogenomics Student who was areested asks why police were in riot gear; Katehi says was police chiefs decision #occupyucdavis http://t.co/XIOdKGvV 11/22/11 5:35 PM |
phylogenomics Student proposes a vote by #UCDavis students to say whether they want Katehi to resign #occupyucdavis http://t.co/PLLLaFII 11/22/11 5:37 PM |
phylogenomics Student asks why police needs weapons - police rep says weapons are needed to provide for safety #occupyucdavis http://t.co/AH10jsyT 11/22/11 5:39 PM |
phylogenomics Provost says policies should be reviewed regarding police use #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 5:41 PM |
phylogenomics Student asks re report that Katehi helped write a report for Greek University to allow police back on their campus http://t.co/MR3VZxOH 11/22/11 5:42 PM |
phylogenomics Student also asked about Katehi being on FBI board 11/22/11 5:43 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says Greek report was In Response to anarchists taking over and burning campuses 11/22/11 5:46 PM |
jaimedash @phylogenomics student question re Greek policy may relate to this report http://t.co/pRZiJaRA 11/22/11 5:51 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says she is advising FBI about university "security" in general 11/22/11 5:47 PM |
phylogenomics Police rep who is acting police chief says he wants to have open dialog in the future re police actions # gets round of applause 11/22/11 5:49 PM |
phylogenomics Question - Enough w/ words what are your proposed actions in The future; Katehi says she needs to interact w/ students more 11/22/11 5:51 PM |
phylogenomics Acting police chief agrees that words are not useful - action is - says he should be judged by actions 11/22/11 5:54 PM |
phylogenomics Student asks where is the police chief and responsible vice chancellor - Katehi says police chief cannot come b/c on leave 11/22/11 5:57 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says police chief reports to vice chancellor for facilities and not to her - Vice Chancellor now answering http://t.co/DluZL0zB 11/22/11 5:58 PM |
phylogenomics Vice Chancellor says were worried about encampments taking hold like at Berkeley; doesn't really give good answer http://t.co/kk4TgtRO 11/22/11 6:01 PM |
kbradnam @phylogenomics Yeah, I was surprised by his answer. Didn't want another Berkeley situation so we sent riot troops in?!? 11/22/11 6:02 PM |
phylogenomics High school student asks what is going to be done to connect to prospective students and alumni #occupyucdavis http://t.co/YoGh2Rk0 11/22/11 6:03 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says changes are coming - and reaching out is needed #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:06 PM |
vsbuffalo @phylogenomics @ryneches Are you guys allowed to still tweet? I hope so! 11/22/11 6:09 PM |
phylogenomics @vsbuffalo don't know 11/22/11 6:15 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says there will be five investigations at least including UCOP, DA, LA, faculty senate and others #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:17 PM |
phylogenomics Acting police chief is the most eloquent on the stage - very impressive #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:18 PM |
kbradnam Agreed! “@phylogenomics: Acting police chief is the most eloquent on the stage - very impressive #occupyucdavis” 11/22/11 6:19 PM |
phylogenomics Next question is about claimed poor relationship between UCDavis, police and black people and hate crimes and what will be done in future 11/22/11 6:21 PM |
phylogenomics Questioner asks for remaining three panelists to please say "black people" in their answers ; Wood does a good job w/ answer 11/22/11 6:25 PM |
phylogenomics Student asks "when is it going to be the right time or place to protest?"; Katehi says try were not trying to remove people #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:30 PM |
phylogenomics Student then says "the tents were a key part of the whole enterprise" and removing them was silencing speech #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:31 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says she agrees with student #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:32 PM |
phylogenomics One of the arrested students says that the claimed "outside agitators" were all UCDavis alumni #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:42 PM |
phylogenomics He asks also "what are you doing right now?" to protect free speech #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:43 PM |
phylogenomics Student says the only violence that occurred during protests was by police and admin against students #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:46 PM |
phylogenomics Student also claims that there was some organization "spying" on student groups from the administration #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:46 PM |
phylogenomics VC Wood says student affairs has tried to engage student groups to keep the police ut of situations #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:47 PM |
phylogenomics Student also calls on UC Davis to make plans transparent for future actions #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:51 PM |
phylogenomics Student also says faculty in women's and gender studies would like to meet Katehi as she is part of their department #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:51 PM |
phylogenomics Students asks why Katehi held Saturday press conference in tiny room with big hall across the street #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:54 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi accepts criticism by student that she has not been engaging with students at protests #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 6:54 PM |
phylogenomics VC Wood says they will make a request to the attorney generals office for an investigation but likely will be sent back #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:10 PM |
phylogenomics Student expresses concern that encampment is interfering w/ education - it is loud and she is worried it is unsafe #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:12 PM |
phylogenomics Police Chief answers "I have no experience with occupy tent cities" but they are trying to keep it safe #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:13 PM |
phylogenomics Student also says that it is ironic that #occupyucdavis started w/ improving access to education yet is disrupting education 11/22/11 7:17 PM |
phylogenomics Student says she wants to remind faculty that students are here for education #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:18 PM |
Merz @phylogenomics What, was class cancelled? #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:19 PM |
phylogenomics Student says the pepper spaying on Friday will damage and change recruitment of minorities on campus #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:21 PM |
phylogenomics The pepper spraying incident was awful but I have never been prouder of being at #ucdavis w/ the students we have here #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:23 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi says this is an opportunity to define ourselves by what we do in the future #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:24 PM |
phylogenomics In response to ? katehi says may be bad idea for her to be in charge of law enforcement actions b/c she is just an electrical engineer 11/22/11 7:26 PM |
phylogenomics Police Chief again impresses - he says we shouldn't wait for any reports - we need to start now #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:27 PM |
phylogenomics Student says he supports chancellor and police department for enforcing laws #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:27 PM |
phylogenomics student says this is not just about pepper spray - it is about inequities - and we don't need any reports to tell us that #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:30 PM |
phylogenomics Question from theatre dept. Member says admin should engage in teach ins about what happens to $$ on campus #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:32 PM |
phylogenomics Commenter says don't refer to drumming in quad as "them" - they are "us" if you don't like it you can go and vote there #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:33 PM |
phylogenomics Student says the administration needs to interact more with students .. Have open meetings ..eat in union . Etc #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:35 PM |
phylogenomics Student has gotten Katehi to and everyone to laugh by telling admin to get engaged #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:36 PM |
phylogenomics Katehi tx crowd; says she hopes we can do this more .. W/ 32000 students it is silent majority they need to reach out to #occupyucdavis 11/22/11 7:43 PM |
And then it was over. And there was lots of mingling. The tone in the mingling was very very friendly. It seemed that Katehi and the administrators had won over much of the crowd. I took a lot of pics of this mingling. Here are some:
I note during the mingling Russell Neches from my lab went up to Ken Burtis who had the box with the signed petition calling for Katehi's resignation. And he "unsigned" it - I think because he was semi impressed with the response of the administration that night.
I note - I was finally impressed with the way the administration was handling the crisis. Not sure what was happening for the past few days but finally they seemed to be doing something and much of what they seemed to be doing sounded like good plans. I note I was also absurdly impressed with our new acting police chief. Hope he stays on as permanent chief.
Russell and I then walked through the quad just to see how things were going and then we went out to dinner and I went home.