Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tattoo Tuesday V.94


Name and blog name: Rachel Gonzales // everythingspretty.blogspot.com & shessostrange.tumblr.com
*quick note: Rachel's blogspot is new, so head on over and say hello! I've known her for a long time and she's a total sweetheart.
Age: 26
Occupation: Usually a Server/Bartender. Currently a homemaker for me, the boyfriend and our pooch, Poppy. Amateur blogger.
Age of first tattoo: I was 17. It was an at home DIY tattoo I did with all of my friends and roommates. A really bad and really ugly long legged spider on my left elbow. Don't ask me why I picked that. I have no idea. Must've blacked out or something...
Favorite tattoo: My diamond under my chin. Simple. Hidden. In a place most people don't get tattooed. That or my angry tooth on my forearm.
Featured tattoo/location: I'll feature my armpit. Totoro (Not colored yet) yelling PARTY TIME!
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Mykil Zep at No Regrets Tattoo in Tempe, Arizona. Awesome dude! He no longer works there and he has moved himself, his family and his craft to work at a shop in San Diego.

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story or special meaning? Why did you choose this particular piece of art?

Well, I set up the appointment to get my armpit done on a whim (as I have done with most of my tattoos). I was sitting at the bar of a place I used to work at with my friend Steve-O tossing back and fourth each other's tattoo ideas and it just kind of popped into my head. Party time. So whenever I raise my arm in celebration people are gonna see it and be like, "Yes. It is time to party." Haha very silly I know. But fun and spontaneous. I wanted to get some kind of character yelling party time so I went with Totoro. You'd see him if you were about to watch a studio Ghibli film such as "Spirited Away" or "My Neighbor Totoro." I am in LOVE with all of the movies by Hayao Miyazaki. He embodies such imagination and adventure. I lose my mind every time I watch. I almost backed out though. The thought of getting your armpit tattooed is really scary! But it ended up not being even close to as bad as I thought. And I've had some great reactions from people when they spot it.

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?

Yes. I've got what I like to call my "crap arm". A bunch of tattoos that don't coincide making up a sleeve (kinda). A koi in a pond making up a half sleeve on my upper left arm. Following on my elbow is a very dark spider in a web covering the DIY spider I did when I was 17. It was done by a friend, Tyler Densley, when he was just starting to tattoo. Now he does the most beautiful and amazing tattoos. I kinda wish I waited... On my forearm I've got an unfinished diamond with two roses. Then I have the nickname I have for my best friend Tiffany next to that. I went and got that one on a Friday the 13th thirteen dollar tattoo day. On my hand I have a rose with a lock, two keys and a heart of thorns. And on my fingers the word I live by, POSITIVE. I have an anchor on my thigh but hate how it turned out so I plan on changing it quite a bit. Small stars and little dots by my right eye. A fiery lotus on my chest (my first REAL tattoo) that often is mistaken for a campfire. People have even asked if it was teeth..... Then script "Ce Soir Me Faire Irresistible" on my chest. And lastly, My angry tooth man. I for 3 years had a very bad, very painful molar. It bled. It created infection. It kicked my ass. I've only been to the dentist once when I was 4. It's weird, expensive and I don't care to go either way. So one day I pushed on that tooth and kept pushing till that sucker just came right out!! And ever since I haven't had even the slightest problem with it. So I got a commemorative tattoo just for him.


3) Do you plan on getting more?

Absolutely. I need to fix and finish most of what I already have. And I really want to get my knees done. I enjoy being very colorful and I have a butt-load of ideas.

4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them? Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?

Both my parents and my little sister have tattoos so there is no problem in that department. My dad has his arms and chest done and my mom has some on her back. I probably have more than they ever imagined I would get though.

Negativity wise, the only I've run into is getting jobs. I've even worked at a place where I was hired with tattoos and then later fired for having them. Corporate junk. I don't want to have a job where I cover up what I am and what I like to look like anyways. I like to have fun and plan on living in such a way.

My boyfriend Jason doesn't have any problem (that I know of) with my tattoos and doesn't have any. As far as I know he doesn't have any interest in getting any. He's as sweet as pumpkin pie just like his momma made him. She would probably kill him. She's very conservative and old fashioned. I'm scared to meet her.

5) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?

Well, I used to say, "Just go do it. You only live once and may never get the chance". But I don't fully agree with that anymore. Have fun but most tattoos that I have I don't like anymore, wish I would have put more thought into them and would change completely given the chance. Yes, I have good memories behind them and had a great time getting them but I see others tattoos that are so beautiful and full of color and unique, makes me with I had taken my time. So take your time I guess is my advice. Oh! And wear sunscreen!!