Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekend links

random photos from my instagram because I didn't take any real ones this week: breakfast, Henry "helping" Daddy play guitar, frozen yogurt date, happy, toothy baby, tasting coffee at Trader Joe's, a delicious dinner- Quorn "chicken" soft tacos, snowy morning, Golden Spoon, our big boy, late night gym, big bath/little boy, a quick photo while running errands with H. :)

Hello! It's been a very busy past few days, culminating in a hard day yesterday, being that it was our friend's memorial service. It's been tough for me to sit down and blog this week, because I feel like everything I say sounds so trivial and dumb when I look at what's going on all around me. The anniversary of the passing of one of my dearest friend's Mom is this weekend, and accompanied with the death of our friend last week, it's been a tough time around these parts. I find that these kind of times always make me think a lot about my own life, and what really matters. It's been a very thoughtful week. I feel lucky that we were all able to be together yesterday, and later Hank got to be with our friends and family while I stayed at home with sleeping Henry.

Aside from the sadness, I am really looking forward to today. Late last night our friends Christina and Bobby got into town and in a few hours we are going to take photos in Sedona. It's supposed to be a beautiful day and I'm looking forward to enjoying some gorgeous scenery and exploring a bit.

Here are some links to check out this weekend! I hope you have a good one. :)


One of my readers, Kim, sent me this really great article on Generation Catalano.

I love this Thanksgiving pie topper! Who says cakes have to have all the fun?

I'm enjoying following along with Abi as she travels around Europe. These photos of Paris at night are great.

Grilled Cheese rolls and tomato soup. Perfect for a chilly weekend afternoon at home.

This simple Christmas hot cocoa recipe sounds so good right now.

And speaking of hot cocoa, these peppermint marshmallow stir sticks are genius.

I would love this adorable tie for the holidays! Cute, right?

I LOVE this idea for the home.

I have a few friends who are obsessed with semi-precious stone jewelery so this Etsy is a must-stop for my Christmas shopping. Also check out some more sponsor love here and here!

25 ways to wear a scarf. I loved this video and got some great ideas from it!

I like this collection of different backgrounds for photos- and this blog's "Fete Friday" feature is great too!

Surviving the Holidays Part One: Food! Lesley shared some great tips in this post.

I am so in love with this print, found via Diana.

And finally, some items from my wishlist: one, two, and three!

Happy Saturday, everyone!