Saturday, June 4, 2011

Henry's 6 month check-up

Thursday was Henry's 6 month check-up (a couple of weeks late- he turned 6 months on the 22nd), and  I was so excited to see what kind of progress he's made since last time.  Here are his stats:

Weight: 16 pounds, 8 ounces
Height: 27.5 inches

He's in the 50th percentile for both height and weight, although people always comment on how big he looks. I think that may be because he's right in the middle for both so he just overall looks pretty proportionately solid. Either way he's thriving and growing, and doing so well.

We are so proud of our little guy, and today was actually a couple different firsts: his first swim class and his first "food" aka brown rice cereal!  And yes Mom, I'll be posting a video of Henry eating the cereal tomorrow. ;)

As for now, I'm off to go curl up on the couch with Hank, and a huge glass of ice water.  We're still obsessed with Sons of Anarchy and are on Season Two. And in other television related news, just this week I started watching Glee!  I've always admired Emma's outfits from photos, but I just assumed I wouldn't like the show since I'm not much of a musical fan. Silly me, because I LOVE it. It's been my nap-time go-to this past week.

Alright, Hank's giving me the "okay wrap it up look," so I'm signing off for the night- have a great Sunday tomorrow!

6 month checkup

6 month checkup

6 month checkup

6 month checkup

6 month checkup