Tuesday, June 7, 2011


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Today I am thankful for:

my best friend Sarah. She brightens my day every single day. When someone knows you- really knows you, all the good and all the bad...and accepts you just the way you are, that's such a rare, amazing thing. We've been through so much together and it's neat that we've been side by side through so many stages and changes in our lives. I wish all of you could spend time with her so you could also know what beautiful spirit and huge heart she has. I guarantee she'd make you smile!

our new BOB jogging stroller. Henry and I have been going on early morning runs every since we got this amazing thing from Hank's Dad and Step-Mom.  I never thought I could love a baby product so much, but after using our severely lacking Graco stroller, the BOB is such a great change. It rides so well and Henry is so much more comfortable. Our Graco was so finicky about closing properly (most of my friends and family can attest to this), and now that we don't need it anymore I sincerely want to take it out back and go all Office Space on it. Ever see that movie? The printer scene? That's what I'm talking about!  But really, I love the BOB. We got the 2011 Revolution with the big wheels if anyone's curious.

Salads. Oh goodness. I cannot get enough of salads lately!  My current favorite: spring greens, sliced raw almonds, dried cranberries and balsamic. I just put it all in a tupperware container and shake it up. It's out of this world.

My Mom. I think I only truly realized what an amazing mother I have once I became one myself. I've always appreciated her, but this just takes it to a whole new level. So thankful for this wonderful woman.

jump mom!

Bachelorette Nights. Adie and I usually spend Mondays watching the Bachelor (or this season, The Bachelorette) and it's always such a fun time. We snack, we girl talk, we turn a two-hour show into a five-hour extravaganza.  Last night we had the show on pause for a good 3 hours while we talked and talked, and then around 10pm we should get serious and actually watch the episode.  And speaking of, if you're a Bachelorette fan, I am loving the recap on Hello Giggles this week! 

Lazy weekend afternoons and evenings with Hank and Henry.  Nothing is better than strolling around downtown with my boys, and our summers here are just beautiful.  I always look forward to the Bluegrass Festival and the Summer Concert Series. To me, there's nothing better than listening to live music on a blanket in the grass.

May Day picnic

Rita's Italian Ice. Okay. Now, we definitely (and unfortunately) don't have one of these in Arizona, but in my native New Jersey there are quite a few. Just the promise of a cherry gelati is getting me through my days. We'll be on the East Coast next month and you can bet your bottom dollar I will be enjoying a Rita's every day we're near one.

rita's gelatis

And finally...this dude. For such obvious reasons. (thanks to Diana for the awesome bib!)

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Happy Tuesday, everyone! I'll be back later today with a fabulous giveaway from a very talented artist!